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129748520783906250_21Accused his ex-wife on the social networking site report from United States man Byron was in November last year accused his ex-wife on the social networking site Facebook, now face a penalty of 60 days ' imprisonment and a fine of $ 500 eq2 platinum, one month on Facebook every day unless he posted on the judge's apology, apologized to his ex-wife and his friends on the Web. Living in Ohio, Xin XinThat Byron had in this online criticism of his ex-wife tor credits, "If you are a woman of evil, grudge, bent on destroying her husband's life, refused to let his son see the father, you just said you were afraid of you husband or cohabiting persons guild wars 2 gold, they would have to take away the man. "No, this speech has drawn criticism from jail. Court's decision has caused controversy, Byron's statements that it violatedOn liberty. In order not to jail, Byron had to do so, but he plans to appeal. Cincinnati lawyer Mel thinks ruling extremely unusual and "disturbing", because it is equal to the Court asked the parties for friends of your choice made specific remarks.����He also pointed out that Byron's ex-wife yilisabai have been blocked cannot see what Byron said. (New)

