
diablo 3 gold continue to understand the sea to provide scathing case - UXE

In branch of sea oily Shenzhen releases a message to say 30 days morning, explore of classics diver underwater is felt, discover sea canal has two damaged place diablo 3 power leveling, damaged dot is in charge of material to cave upcountry tera gold, sea canal is spent continuously it is normal to measure, affirm two leak dot to be caused by injury of mechanical outside force via the analysis. Classics spot is probed, preliminary judgement digs sanded exercise trace apparent. Gao Ansheng of vise general manager of branch of oily Shenzhen of the sea in occupying introduces, a week comes, branch of sea oily Shenzhen expedites many batches of diver to slip into leak to nod the position to undertake probing to sea canal in, to the sea the canal injured a circumstance to have basic knowledge. Branch of sea oily Shenzhen is in in sea condition arranges the basis phreatic water works diablo 3 gold, continue to understand the sea to provide scathing case, clear sea canal achieves a face, good with be being done as soon as possible sea is in charge of repair to work. Responsibility edits: NF074

