
tera power leveling Office 7. And investigation of illicit laboratories seized - LVQ

129742939320937500_28420th reporter learned from the Wusu in Xinjiang industrial and commercial sectors, "hundred days market special operations" since Wusu smashed 11 consecutive fake Cup points and illegal processing workshop. Wusu introduction to business law-enforcement officers tera power leveling, law enforcement officers in check 11 suspected illegal processing of food found in small workshops, investigate and deal with illegal processing edible dusk a total dens-3 tera power leveling, making and selling beansDark dens 3, production and processing of meat and black Workshop 3, making and selling popcorn black dens 1, making and selling cosmetics dark dens 1, while suspected counterfeits of famous liquor, wine eq2 platinum, counterfeiting of various items such as cotton seed oil 2218.1 kg, a total of 165 investigation and handling of various cases. Meanwhile, in the South of Xinjiang akesu region, the industry and Commerce raidingSpecial operations, and discovered 11 illegal food processing dens, Office 7. And investigation of illicit laboratories seized, destroyed the food processing dark dens, confiscated illegally processed food. It is understood that the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region business systems since December 20, set to crack down on fake and shoddy, endanger food security,Hundreds of Japanese market, focusing on infringement violations special rectification action. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

