
diablo 3 power leveling Bing search quantity exceeds 1000000000 times - JDV

On September 15th message, according to foreign media reports tera gold, the United States Internet traffic monitoring agency Neilson on Monday announced the latest statistical data shows, this year during August, Microsoft's search engine Bing in the United States of America search market share more than 10%, to 10.7%, compared with the previous month growth of 22.1%.Bing in August to become the top 10 search in the United States one of the fastest growing.Google accounted for 65% of the market share, ahead of other search engines.In August, Google search share compared to last month growth of 2.6% in the United States, the search market share of 64.6%; Yahoo! Search share compared to last month, down 4.2%, market share dropped to 16%; AOL search ranking of fourth, compared with the previous month growth of 2.6%, market share is 3.1%; Ask.com ranks fifth diablo 3 power leveling, compared with the previous month growth in 2.9%, a 1.7% share of the market.Neilson data shows, this year in August diablo 3 gold, Bing search quantity exceeds 1000000000 times, market share from last month's 9% growth to 10.7% in August.But it is obvious that Bing increased market share and not from Google, Yahoo! Market share in August compared with the previous month dropped 4.2%; Comcast Search's market share fell 21.6% compared with the previous month dramatic.No matter how good Bing, Google continued to top the list, August search amounted to 7000000000, occupy 64.6% of the market share.From the past few months the trend, Neilson's findings are not surprising.In July, JP Morgan on Bing usage survey shows that, despite the Bing independent access users reached 50000000, but the search service without any impact on google.When Bing's fame is largely due to Microsoft's $100000000 promotion plan.However, when the real to the brand's time, Google is still in your hands.

