
world of tanks power leveling Winter Summit held in December last year in the European Union - FZW

129724942042269344_141The Xinhua News Agency in Brussels January 30 (reported by reporter Li Ming to Miao Xiaojuan) EU leaders in Brussels, 30th night Summit for the first time this year.   The meeting, with the exception of United Kingdom and the Czech Republic outside of the 25-nation bloc was adopted aimed at strengthening fiscal discipline, "financial contract" Bill. Permanent European Council President van rompuy at the press conference held after their Summit inSay, the 25 European Union Member States will formally signed the Bill on the Spring Summit in March world of tanks power leveling, then start the ratification procedure, once approved by the 17 members of the 12-nation eurozone can be put into practice, this means that all States parties to comply with more stringent fiscal discipline. Under "financial contract" automatic penalties, Supreme bodies of the European Court of Justice of the European Union will have the right toStructural deficit over gross 0.5% of national penalties, the maximum amount of not more than the country's gross domestic 0.1%. Van rompuy says, "this Treaty means more responsibility and better regulation. "European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said that" financial contract "the passage of the" impressive ". He also stressed that the European economicRecovery and restoration of confidence not only need to "discipline", also need to "grow".   Euro-zone countries subsequently issued a collective statement saying, that means the euro zone finance towards closer integration and stronger economic governance has taken an important step, but also to address the European debt crisis, the improvement of the economic growth and achieve fiscal sustainability brings better prospects. Sweden Prime Minister LaiFelt said at today's Summit in the Czech Republic refused to join the "financial contract" with the ratification procedure.   According to local media reports world of tanks power leveling, the Czech Government plans to hold a referendum to approve "financial contract", but the ruling Alliance has not reached agreement world of tanks power leveling, Czech President Klaus were opposed by referendum to approve "financial contract". Face of the growing debt crisis,Winter Summit held in December last year in the European Union, with the exception of United Kingdom 26 EU Member States have agreed to conclude other than "financial contract", through intergovernmental Treaty approaches to strengthening fiscal discipline, enhancing economic stability, coordination and governance. United Kingdom Prime Minister by this contract the threat to the United Kingdom position by refusing to join the financial sector. (End) (Editor: Enami)

