
wot power leveling collective wage negotiations can resolve not employees - UZY

129756500987031250_21Taxi franchise is rare and of monopolized resources, achieved once the taxi company for very little money from the State, you can sit back and relax to reap the benefit, exploit the driver. For many years, did not work very well on reasonable regulation of taxi companies have been on February 28, Beijing taxi driver Zhang Wei a message is heard on the radio: Ministry of transport, The Department of human services and social security, the National Federation of trade unions held a joint teleconference, three departments, that the country will migrate to the taxi company employee-centered management model, replace the existing contract-affiliated as well as common launch vehicle contract costs ("money"), social security, labour income, rest and vacation world of tanks power leveling, and so the main content of collective wageCommercial. On that day, Zhang Wei, as usual, got up at 4 o'clock in the morning, sit two hours by bus from shunyi shift took to town car, drove about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, it was sleepy time. ����Already sleepy Zhang Wei, hearing "money" three words immediately the spirit up. Zhang Wei opened nearly 10 years taxi, whether employees orContracting is affiliated, is to make money, if money can really tell their negotiation be less, is better. ����But it wasn't until March 5, Zhang Wei did not hear any good news from the company. Zhang Wei told law reporters over the weekend, Beijing taxi driver was prepared to strike held on February 27 and 28th, as oil prices have been going up,Money has not reduced, the taxi industry is getting bad, but later strike did not take place. "Taxi industry's problem is far, collective wage negotiations can resolve not employees, Zenitaka, black car and more of the current taxi frequently strike, taxi, taxi drivers, such as the root of the problem, is taxi quantity control, access restrictions, and other management systemIndustries as a result of monopoly. ����"The long-term concern of the taxi industry reform and socio-economic researcher at the Institute of knowledge transfer youchen Li told law reporters over the weekend. Behind the money monopoly system "before the money from more than 1000 Yuan up to 3,200 Yuan (Zhang Wei is a dual-class drivers, and two buses each vehicle to pay the money to the company a total of $ 6,400 per month;Si Danban per car drivers pay 5,000 yuan a month or so), three or four dollars per litre of oil prices from rising to nearly $ 8 per liter, but without corresponding increase in income. I now wake up, his mind will be, to the company's 3,200 Yuan earned enough money yet. A month of money, one-third to the company, one-third oil, remaining 1/3 net income, more than 3,000 yuan. So basically half a month of time is lost. ����"When it comes to money, Zhang Wei, not excited. ����And Zhang Wei wot power leveling, most urban taxi drivers have to pay the money to the company, and this and the taxi business model. Rule of law reporter learned in an interview over the weekend, nowTaxi industry of operating mode main has two kind of, a is company operating mode, also said Contracting affiliated system, is taxi right (is usually by said of licence) owned company all, by company buy handlebar right contracting to personal, personal monthly to company turned over to the elements money and management fee, or by personal money buy car, and one-time paid licence fee (right using fee) Hou affiliated to companyName, only a month to the company paid management fees; an individual business model, that Government the right to operate a taxi directly granted to individuals wot power leveling, personal business income deduction to the oil money, repairs and so on, are owned by individual. "At present, most of the city is contract-affiliated company mode, new taxi drivers and don't have a lot of choices, only toContracted taxi company. Is one of the few to promote a system of Wenzhou City. ����"By morning Li said. ����In the eyes of Zhang Wei, of those few individuals taxi operators were so happy, they only work five or six hours a day, you can earn as income as Zhang Wei. Prior to 1993, approval and no restrictions on taxi licence, rentalThe rapid development of the industry, leading to intensified competition in the market, such as traffic jams, drivers reduced income, negative issues. Then started to strictly control the number of the taxi trade and access restrictions, closure of taxi companies, and to stop the issue of licences to individuals. Immediately around the Government and implementation of a corporate system, operating on a large scale, with the continuous mergers between companies, the original licence-fundedSource control in the hands of the small number of large companies. ����In 2004, the Ministry of construction official promulgation of the municipal utilities franchising management measures, Governments have issued a confirmation of taxi industry as part of the public transport, introduction of franchising, and continue in the name of the franchise on the taxi industry for volume control and access restrictions. Law weekend reporter searchRead the taxi operation rights transfer of related management practices found around, in a taxi on the acquisition of rights, taxi companies accounted for almost a monopoly. On one hand, by the taxi company taxi right to basic, companies only need to pay the Government ranged from $ 5,000 to $ 15,000 per year per car (and a few other areas in Beijing for free transfer, taxiCompanies do not need to pay for the use of), while taxi drivers to the company's money is up to $ per vehicle from $ 3,000 to $ 5,000 per month. ����The other hand, for a small, new taxi right you will be paid the sale by auction or tender, but due to various restrictions, individual operators, it is difficult to obtain outside of the taxi company bidding qualification. For as longAttention to the taxi industry Xiangtan University Law School Professor Ou Aiwen believe due to the taxi industry franchise, the number of controls and access restrictions, a taxi company of taxis formed a monopoly of the right of possession, a taxi company with less money to get a taxi after the right, nothing to sit your big money and can, and work very hard at the bottom of theDrivers can only get very little profit, this is also important reasons for dissatisfaction with the taxi driver on company.

