
diablo 3 power leveling pension "dual system" is not fair since 2005 - OLR

129773438598125000_125Zhang Hongwei older workers to retire too early, little pension puzzle: pension "dual system" is not fair since 2005, the State has 8 times in a row to improve enterprise's basic old-age pensions of retired persons. Enterprise standard for monthly pensions of retired persons up to $ 1500, the overall level of treatment about doubled. But there are still many retired workers feel very tight BA, living waterNo substantive improvement. Zhang Hongwei retired workers in a northeastern city, only $ 1227 per month pension. "Last century 90 's whole areas of Northeast enterprises closed down, commercial, food, light system a large number of people did not wait for the national social security policy is to retire, pensions only $ 1227. Back a few years later than we, as companies and individuals to pay a fee, othersNow a month can apply for $ 1550. Two hundred or three hundred dollars out of this very well! "Aunt said, her spouse pensions more than 2000 Yuan a month, two people live normally must be careful. "Winter eat cabbage, potatoes, sauerkraut, like 20 years ago had nothing to distinguish between them. Cucumbers 6 dollars a pound, I can afford to go to eat?! "My aunt a few years ago with his wife, went to the South aThis luxury "consumer", can't get what she has. "As our income level can go out once there is good in this life. "Medical spending is still the home of the biggest heart disease. "I just got a cold, took more than 1000 Yuan. A monthly income! Really hurts badly, maybe very very well. "In an interview, Zhang AAunt has just heard from colleagues that year "policy full coverage" coverage of older workers were built, this makes her happy. "Both of my children as a teacher, one in" interchange ", are good units. I can't rely on them. Children are children, raising a child takes scary. I can save save point. "Aunt say, old people, in fact most afraid of others addedTrouble, do not seek riches, everyday food and clothing as long as decent line. Pension system in China is "dual system", Government organs and institutions of the retirement pension paid by the fiscal unity, employee pension is paid according to the proportion of enterprises and employees by payment of the costs and Manpower, resulting in the growing gap between the two. "My pension institution with age,Person of the same age, without even half of the people, with more impossible than in the civil service. Has dedicated his life, poor retirement benefits after so much?! It is not quite fair. "Aunt said. "The old man, is suffering, today's the day, better than many. Growing disparities between members is not good. "Aunt said with angry"We here, it was in the hands of 35 houses, slap a lot of place go to work every day with the BMW open; some people had even the beggars were not as good as five row bungalow there, smaller drag and retired workers of the factory, only $ 500 per month, is not enough to eat! Prime Minister said in his Government work report to narrow the gap, this speaks to our hearts. "Old and retired teacher Li Xueying two$ 7,000, Sultan urged: don't let the interests of retirees being "withheld" 64-year old Li Xueying was a Department of training of teachers in public institutions of suihua city, Heilongjiang province, has been retired 9 years. In recent years, her pension from more than 1000 Yuan to rise to more than 2,900 million. Grandma Lee's wife you know used to be the Government civil service, now a monthly pension of 40$ More than 00. 7 years ago, the old couple with son moved to live in Beijing. "Also concerned" treatment in small cities, big city pension "economic pressures, may be better than expected. Without wearing no socializing, $ 7,000 a month income, enough to spend. "Grandma Li said her family's food is pretty good diablo 3 power leveling, although the winter storage of cabbage, pickled sauerkraut, a few dollars a kilo of West RedPersimmon, garlic bolt, she will "interludes" swtor credits, and always in the fridge "toilet paper" with meat, dairy, fruit and eggs, "the health first, not too pull up on food. "Granny Lee said. Because the art of small, when cooling not heating in autumn and winter, Grandma Lee chengsu open air conditioning heater. In recent years the old couple have time travel, have a fun time. "The province to province, the flowers have to be willing to spend. ITook a plane, watching the sea, this is can't think of when I was young. Wages were low, heavy burdens on the elderly and children, "climbing" is really difficult tera power leveling! Now that's a good day. The development and progress of society, we feel the Government concern for retirees, we also feel. "Satisfaction wrote in on Grandma Lee's smiling face. Grandma Lee instituted policies say, can lift the unit is fullAbdominal complaints. "Listen to old accountant said, workers paying Medicare payments that year, had been misappropriated, cause then you can't be on workers ' health care, community residents can take the" old little "health insurance units to claim $ 140 a year premium and sent. "Grandma Lee also complained that last to the rising old-age pensions of retired persons, her unit up 20 months late, but did notReplacement for everyone. "Alpine grants, heating bills are issued according to the provisions of the retiree's money, listening and interception by units, each of thousands of dollars every year. Men repeatedly reflected to the competent Department issues, out of mind, "a face familiar route not pass", no one answer. "" Don't let the good policies of the countries in the process of implementing, a layer called "PackButton "! "Plum Granny appeal. Policy holders Feng Huilan usually do not buy meat, cabbage "leading" concerns: difficult to afford rising prices, ill still look down on the end of 2011, in several provinces in China have started "linked to the social assistance and protection standards and price rises" linkage mechanism, but in the period of the CPI is high, low sense of family difficulties. Policy holders aged 71 AuntieLiving in Beijing, Chaoyang District, in a residential area. Close to her home, seemed to go back to the last century 780: style sheets of old furniture, washed faded, a TV is the only valuable family belongings. "Very good, very good, thanks! This is the truth. "Aunt didn't work, late wife used to be workers, revenue is not high. "Old man three years ago oneSerious illness, money spent at home. I'm not working, culture can only be the daughter didn't take a part-time job, earn not many. "Auntie said, after the death of his wife while she is helpless, neighborhood committees have helped her apply for social security benefits, let her live a basic guarantee. Aunt source of finance are as follows: low-subsidy of $ 560 per month; in Beijing of services for the elderly over 65 years old make upPost coupons $ 250 per month; community with "love supermarket shopping card" $ 150 a year, community hospital annual reimbursement of $ 400 a contact point. When every new year, street has some grain and oil weiwenpin. Aunt took part in the Beijing "old little" health insurance, if it is ill in hospital, according to proportional reimbursement of medicines. "Government, street to us so you have me again! EastWest you into this, like me, have good food and clothing! "Auntie said, since last year Ruqiu, she and her daughter had been eating potatoes and cabbages. "Years ago, 5 cents a kilo in Chinese cabbage, spring up to 8 cents, then increase the price I can't afford even cabbage. 1 cabbage left in the House, three potatoes, and like to point at Amoy Gardens get some cheap food. "Auntie's balcony on the ground, there are threeA bud of potato. "How often do you eat meat? "The reporter asked. Old man's eyes red. "Usually do not buy meat, Spring Festival master took her to buy a 5 pound pork ribs, we cooked a pot of broth, frozen in the refrigerator, stewed cabbage and dig a spoon at a time, take a chant. "The day is denied. Aunt of sweaters, pants are old dress of his wife; House darkAre reluctant to turn on the light, and her heart is not good, "compared to cheaper than most of Dan-Shen root dropping pill" maintained recently serious community found in physical examination of her right kidney atrophy, pain when she ate some painkillers, not to check further. "Being a CT is more than 1000 Yuan, they did not; while the State to claim part of the hospitalization expenses, at their own expense money, I still come up with sth"Standard, reducing the gap, is the main appeal of retirees. Hu Xiaoyi, Deputy Minister of human resources and social security said in a recent media interview, at present, China has already established a system of covering urban and rural old-age, when after systems have been gradually perfected, raising the level of treatment and reduce the population of unreasonable disparity between demand will be strong. On the basis of summing up the experience of 7 years continuous adjustment, human and Social Affairs is intensifyingStudy on the development of basic pension for enterprise retiree normal adjustment mechanism. General considerations, is to make the basic old-age pension in the amount of growth and economic development, and improving levels of wages growth, income, linked to factors such as rising prices, establish linkage mechanism. Second treatment levels of the structure to the appropriate balance-related groups, including between enterprises and public institutions, old and new retirementBetween people, and the relationship between retirees and workers, reduce and alleviate the contradiction. Experts pointed out that the "unification" in the same general direction is clear, the key lies in the top design, and steady forward. Both have access to different groups, contribute to the fair, both rights and obligations. Even in the institutional arrangements for Pratt and Whitney, should also duly reflected to pay more, pay much longerGuidance and incentive mechanisms. (Source: people's daily) (Editors: Wen Jie) Others:

