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129765211407968750_8This article review: Beijing Health Bureau stationed in McDonald's SanLiTun store investigations (this page) Ministry asked industry consolidation spam SMS engineering headquarters was closed the eyes of Chinese students love Zhengzhou Carrefour food interdiction Beijing Health Bureau Chief of the party and head into the McDonald's SanLiTun store investigations, yesterday morning, the State food and drug administration food safety supervision DepartmentHeads of major responsibility to the head of McDonald's interviews, asked McDonald's on CCTV 3·15 party attached great importance to the problem of media exposure, earnestly learn the lesson, to take effective measures, for rectification immediately. McDonald's China, company officials said, after the exposure of the event, McDonald's SanLiTun restaurant has been closed for rectification. Interview requirements McDonald's apology to the community it is understoodCCTV exposure McDonald's SanLiTun 3·15 party restaurant violations more than once it's shelf life foods such as operations, sales, State food and Drug Administration to immediately instruct the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, San Li Tun into the McDonald's restaurant inspection, dealt with according to law. In the evening, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for investigation. Interview requests tera power leveling, McDonald's on media high exposure problemsSeriously, seriously carried out self education, strictly rectify and apologize to the community. McDonald's company in charge of the company to the consumer impact of sincere apology, says will be in strict accordance with the requirements of the State food and drug administration, for rectification and reform and strengthening management diablo 3 gold, strictly enforce the standards, integrity management according to the law, safeguard the health of consumers ' rights. It is understood that the wheat whenDr company McDonald's SanLiTun restaurant has been closed down and rectification, and quit, strict management of all stores, and at the same time, welcome the masses of consumers, the media and the Government departments concerned, on McDonald's food safety inspection and supervision of the company. McDonald's SanLiTun restaurant is the individual events as the world's leading food and beverage companies, McDonald's restaurants operating in itself has a very detailedStrict rules, but in San Li Tun 3·15 exposure by CCTV's restaurant, in the implementation process is compromised. How to monitor for chain operation? Yesterday tera gold, the head of McDonald's China-related in an interview with reporters, said McDonald's supervision and guarantee system to ensure the implementation of the trading standards, SanLiTun, Beijing restaurant events individual events only. ShangState officials said, after the 3·15 party, McDonald's closed down the restaurant now and rectify. "After the rectification and reform, we will ensure strict enforcement of operating standards in a restaurant, put an end to such incidents from happening again, as soon as possible to provide consumers with strict compliance with the standards of the food, and take practical action to safeguard the interests of consumers. "The official said. (The Beijing News Li) MinistryRequire communication gold in industry consolidation spam text messages online Declaration: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

