
tera gold Corporation General Manager Deng Qilin - KGX

129756711597812500_848Bcc network Beijing, March 7 (Beijing correspondent Wang Jing) aspect ratio according to voice of the news reports, deputies to the national people's Congress, Wuhan iron and steel (Group) company General Manager Deng Qilin said that WISCO heads ready to built pig farms this year, and during the slaughter. "Iron man" pig food, this is not a hit upon, but Mills to "non-steel" part of the restructuring plan。 Not only that, in addition to pigs, there are many ideas of WISCO. For example, "make a phone call, you can transfer kindergarten children, and can even help you to clear the clogged water pipes in the House". In iron and steel enterprises under the background of profit, WISCO on the iron and steel industry of the year can be said to be broke in half a penny to spend, was heavily hit by 39 billion on a non-steel industry development. WISCO"Pig", what is "should" or own sought to transition? Steel Giants-Wuhan iron and steel company to start swine vegetables? This makes it sound strange, but the deputies to the national people's Congress, Wuhan iron and steel (Group) Corporation General Manager Deng Qilin, proved that what is actually happening tera gold, and scale of approximately 10,000 or so. Deng Qilin: we are also planning to become a green cultureBase, 80% qingshan district of 600,000 people are people in WISCO, my fast food is tens, not only to the WISCO diablo 3 gold, delivered to the railways, in Wuhan Michurin wasteland around so we bought thousands of acres, pigs, and chickens, and vegetables, three-dimensional culture, green culture, the development of this industry, the next time you buy buy "WISCO" brand of vegetables. Pig-breeding, gardening, doing lunch and other tertiary industriesAre auxiliary and the nature of the service, now supporting industry, such as a direction of development was also helpless. Deng Qilin explained to reporters, iron ore, such as shortage of resources, logistics costs push up effect, for two consecutive years, China's steel production year of sales is less than 3%, far below the national industry average profit level of 6%. At the same time, China's iron and steelOvercapacity, calculated according to the apparent consumption of about 688 million tons of crude steel, the excess rate of about 122% has been reached. Iron and steel industry is very difficult. Deng Qilin: not only is this year a harsh winter was winter last year, at least more than five years, iron and steel industry in a meager profit and operating a very difficult position. Top cost pressure is huge, here is an economic downturn,Many industry contraction, benefit very little space in the middle. Deng Qilin accounts with reporters, 1 ton of threaded steel price is about $ 4,700, averaging $ 4.7 per kg and cheapest is close to $ 26 per kg of pork, a kilograms of steel arrived in no 42 on pork prices. In fact, in 2011, Wuhan iron and invests non-steel industry, non-steel industry 20. $ 800 million profit, Group earnings as a whole accounted for around 60%, and help companies in the steel industry of winter keeps 17.4% profit growth. This year, the WISCO program to non-steel industry invested $ 39 billion, investment in addition to the development of mineral resources related to high-tech, steel processing, and "pig farm" substandard, will also set up a "urban modern service company",Group cooperation package has been signed with the China Resources group plans, gas, electricity, and other cooperation. Deng Qilin: steel now shrink a lot, what is industrial, urban modern service companies, at the service of all urban residents of the common people, maintenance teams, project teams, this market is very large, much higher margins than my steel. WISCO in "non-steel"Industrial restructuring, but feels that, Deng Qilin the high price of iron ore diablo 3 gold, crude steel overcapacity problems, their line-of-steel-making industry, as long as there is a new technology, the investment to upgrade products, he is going to. Deng Qilin: starting from this year, in addition to promoting the construction of Guangxi fangchenggang tens of millions of tons of steel base in addition to investments in production capacity in the MainlandWithout a penny, improve product quality, improve the development of our vote. (Editors: Qian Zhang) Others:

