
tor credits we did not anticipate - YEZ

129729391822343750_1Xinjiang foreign aid before Martin bypass the China Basketball Association, directly from the international basket of Hong Kong have been clarified, and get ahead in the NBA (micro-blogging) play opportunities. Why did Martin "stealing"?  Cause some funny: International Basketball Association sent a letter of advice, China Basketball Association did not reply in time, reason is actually under the influence of the Lunar New Year holiday! Originally, MartinDuring the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, to apply to the Alliance proposes to clarify the international basket, which in accordance with the procedures to the China Basketball Association sent a letter of advice. But this time happens to be China's statutory seven days of the Lunar New Year holidays, holidays in the China Basketball Association has not been able to reply in a timely manner eq2 platinum, so the international basket of Hong Kong in accordance with the relevant procedures, allowed Martin to become free agent--according to the international basketball rules, ifAdvice letter in reply within 7 days without access to normal, it will be found to have no objections, so Martin issued a letter of clarification. It can be said that Martin party make full use of this opportunity of a Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, through the international basket called a "touch ball", the China Basketball Association also very unhappy with. Basket Association responsible for registered League players last night Transportation Management Department Director Gong LuQuail tor credits, in an interview with reporters eq2 platinum, said Martin in the CBA, China Basketball Association has (micro-blogging) works contracts as well as the hand-written letter of commitment to the International Basketball Association and NBA, want the basket can be recognized by the other party and to respect the rules of the Association. Gong Luming talking about the incident, said: "first, happened during the Chinese new year holiday period, we did not anticipate, is our ownMistakes; the second, Martin in the China Basketball Association has an undertaking there in Xinjiang before the end of the season, he will not be back to the NBA playing commitments, we have representations with the related departments and third, external aid policies will not change because of Martin, we have explained to the International Basketball Association sent a fax on this matter, and wish Martin can keep its promise. "Our reporters yuanchun Li

