
world of tanks power leveling reached more than 10 - UWD

129756355814218750_243Yesterday morning, the municipal party Secretary Liu Qi (left) and Mayor Guo Jinlong (right) attending the national people's Congress was held in the great Hall of the Beijing mission media open day. Photo report from yesterday morning in Wujiang reporter wot power leveling, the national people's Congress was held in the great Hall of the Beijing mission media open day. Representatives of the national people's Congress, Director of the Beijing municipal development and Reform Commission Zhang Gong said that by 2015,Beijing will achieve the five rings, and even six coal-free area of the city.  At the same time, Beijing will first implement more stringent motor vehicle in the country during the year five emissions standards. Into clean energy in the heating plant 3-4 years according to Zhang Gong introduction, effects there are four main sources of PM2.5 in Beijing, a run is to protect the city's power generation and heat supply enterprises; the second was 5 million carsExhaust gas emissions; third as rapid urbanization construction, construction site dust; four is a part of the pollution-industrial enterprises.  Therefore, Beijing's air pollution sources of clean governance work for formation, vigorously readjust the structure of City operations, promote the development of clean energy. "At present, the heating 73% from coal for power generation enterprises in Beijing, 27% from coal for industrial use. "Workers said, Beijing will be implemented in stages, increasing the city's four main thermal power engineering construction, existing power plants, heating plant in 3-4 years to replace natural gas and other clean energy, at the city through the small boiler systems, basic implementation by 2015 the five rings, and even the six districts of the city, "coal-free". In addition, the exhaust, in addition to the traffic control measures, the year will alsoFirst in the country to implement more strict vehicle emission standard of five. Stepped up the development of demography of the residence permit system specification according to Zhang Gong, at present, Beijing is to intensify research, preparing the implementation of the system of residence permits. Once after the policy has specific demands of States, combined with requirements of the central authorities in Beijing and their actual, intensify the development of residence permit system, to regulate the population employment, Population distribution, and so on. Zhang Gong admits, population urbanization development is inevitable, in addition to some management pressure, also on city services, industry, and labor complement played a positive role. Beijing's population has now reached 20 million, have a certain amount of pressure on the urban management and operation of carrying capacity, this is a must. Also mentioned in the Government work reportResidence release the content of medium and small cities, but mega-cities are also to be seriously studied. Zhang Gong said, before the Hukou system didn't come out of the residence permit and the new Beijing also will be more concerned about the layout of the population. Beijing is untwining Center City population, on the key town of construction of new city, is considered by industry, Metro public services development guide the population to the new layout.Guo Jinlong to answer "questions on health reform," "of medicine separated from I would like to know what is the purpose? Is science?  "Professor of Beijing University of traditional Chinese medicine tuyaa for Government work report" promoting the reform and development of medical and health services ", to asking Mayor Guo Jinlong. Tuyaa said that medicine after the separation, pharmacy access qualifications need to be audited, it has increased social costs。  Pharmaceutical only selling drugs to hospitals, hospitals and pharmacies now want to sell, drug rebate problem has not been effectively addressed. Always listened to Guo took the thread said, Government medicine separated, to hospital spending is no longer price, the Government should pay more. Guo further said, inadequate funding for hospitals previously resolved, had to rely on the drug businessPost to make up for. Government to put in quite a lot of money in the future, hospitals are no longer relying on drug price difference to stay afloat.  There is a price difference, cancel the differences between wholesale and retail prices of medicines in hospitals, forming low price drugs to patients. "Tube separation" issue, tuyaa, hospitals to open competition for hospitals, which do not meet the medical management of order, should be determined by the President of the hospitalLine management. Guo Jinlong said, pipe isolation is not in the hospital, but the Government set up the HA such a new body.  From now on, mainly engaged in the management of the Health Council, impose standards of public health and health management, primarily responsible for the management of the HA hospitals. Suggestions "high-speed rail suspension of monthly losses of 1 billion," NPC Deputy Mao Guifen recommendations, explore the construction of high-speed railEquity, diversity of models, address the construction of high-speed rail funding woes this newspaper yesterday, representatives of the national people's Congress, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Municipal Committee of dedicated Mao Guifen, when grouped in the national people's Congress in Beijing said the high-speed rail project of the current suspension caused losses of up to 1 billion dollars per month, proposed multi-channel solution construction of high-speed rail funding woes. Project Management Center of Ministry of railways, Executive ViceMaster Ren Wu flood also put forward a number of proposals to promote railway projects funded, achieving resume work stoppages of projects all of funds. Further promoting the reform of railway for the construction of high-speed rail, said Mao Guifen, high-speed railway in China developed very rapidly in recent years world of tanks power leveling, has put into operation of the railway reached more than 7,000 kilometers, reached more than 10,000 km under construction. As of 201End of year 0, half of the world's high speed rail run by Chinese, Chinese high-speed rail operating speeds, under construction on the project has been ranked first in the world. But the current development of high-speed rail in China facing a number of problems, there is railway infrastructure investment for 5 years before you invest $ 5.3 trillion standard drops to 2.8 trillion 2011 down to 400 billion of direct investment, this has caused to the industryA very heavy blow. According to her introduction, a few surveys, suspended in January will result in $ 1 billion worth of losses. Therefore, China's high-speed rail needs to recover, up from.  Mao Guifen recommendations to further advance the reform of railway, exploring the model of high-speed rail construction of equity, diversity, development financing, address the construction of high-speed rail funding woes. Officials of the Ministry of railwaysMeasures for financing for the national people's Congress, the Ministry of railways for railway engineering project management, Executive Deputy Director of the Centre for flood, relevant government departments on railway bonds, raising funds to give more policy support, especially on construction of railway projects have pledged loans to approximately on schedule in place, and should encourage and guide social capital, private capital investment to railway construction in order to widenFinancing of the construction of the railway. "The Central Finance will increase input in public welfare projects. "Flood said, relating to the national defense, national public railway construction project, territory development, central funds should be invested in full, or at least in principal of the project by the Ministry of finance to give input, and to establish a compensation mechanism for railway public transportation, it is recommended that research on railwayOf the operations and management of the public's reasonable boundaries.  On Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the railway this public railway in Xinjiang full subsidies, compensation for losses to a certain other public railway lines, to increase the development capacity of railway undertakings. In addition, he also States to the establishment of Government funds in the railway industry, it is recommended that other government funds project, by the State financeSet up specifically for railway industry-wide collection of Government funds for railway construction and development. This version of jiefangjun Bao reporters/correspondent Tang 旸 sound in the Government work report stressed that strengthening social management in the innovation process, talked about strengthening the construction of credit system, suggested that the Government should further promote the construction of social credit system. First, we should strengthen ideological and moral education. Second,From the angle of Government to strengthen management and building the social credit system. Should effectively establish a database of administrative law enforcement on the one hand, and on the other hand world of tanks power leveling, some industry, access to build credit system, so that people who have no credit record should not enter certain areas. Three is to linking the administrative law enforcement and the administration of Justice, resolving a fine in lieu of. By strengthening credit management to prevent it from honest peopleA price to pay. --The national people's Congress, Beijing Municipal Procuratorate Mu Ping 20,122 financial reports the Ministry of railways of the Prosecutor General to respond to the railway stop saying there is no railway construction project cost in having national work area downtime is not mileage over 10,000 km of the railway 90% railway construction funds ran out of Academy of engineering projects for no money down, orHuanjian Chen Xian railway large-area stop was a toss shelving section for planning passenger rail project or permanent shutdown

