
world of tanks power leveling recommendations - HEN

129756477762500000_17Open day of the Guangdong delegation, Wang Yang, Secretary answered a reporter's question. Reporter Wang Haixin photo taken yesterday morning, on the Guangdong delegation group discussion, NPC Deputy Zhong Nanshan Guangdong Party Secretary Wang Yang, and had interesting discussions on political reform. Yang admits, the Government delegation of authority is the biggest difficulty will touch on the existing laws and regulations world of tanks power leveling, he hopes to get moreHigh levels of support, "If the legal obstacles, we go to the petition". Concerning the decentralization of government decentralization would require legal breakthrough yesterday, Zhong Nanshan said in his speech, as of October last year, the Guangdong 30,535 of various social organizations, most of them didn't really play a role. "Government to tube and not less clearly. Want to mobilize community organizationsEnthusiasm without reform, it is difficult to do. "The day before, Guangdong Governor Zhu xiaodan is for a government examination and approval system reform, part decentralized government power, various government agencies are currently reporting can reduce examination and approval of projects. In this regard, Zhong Nanshan questions, "which can be reported? What does not? What the point is? Interest is the relationship between a big response,Is below acceptable levels is unlikely? Is there any possibility of implementing? "This Wang Yang, has set up a Committee to review what a project for decentralization. Committee includes experts in leadership, has retired. "The problem now is that the law stipulates that departments have the power. Departments saying, we are willing to, but stipulates that the power is mine. "He said, Law departments of interest laws. "We are and contact the relevant departments of the State Council recently, from a legal breakthrough. "Reform of the Government must engage in Zhong Nanshan after hearing of Wang Yang explained, put forward could not rely on the Central breakthroughs, using the bottom up approach. "When Congress that year, commenting on the nature of the joint-stock issue, in other provinces that areA new concept, Guangdong province to do so for a long time. "Yang said, the current reform and government reform for the year different, touched mainly because at that time their interest, and now will not affect the sector decentralization to the departments of the Central Government," Guangdong lead, other provinces, do you? "Zhong Nanshan agrees, the Government's transformation does not just wideEast. "How do we change that? From the top down, is also engaged in a number of pilot experience in some places? "Wang Yang said," there must be bound to engage in, but some can jump out of the Department has a departmental interests, such decentralization may release some of our reform. "Wang Yang position, as long as it is consistent with the" three benefits "," If the law when there is an obstacle with usAppealing to settlement. This is a good thing, if some sectors open will allow us to try. Communicate with each other, a little better in the future. "He said the Government delegation, should be changed by it. On transformation and upgrading of the economic transition on required legal support to address the group, Yang said, speeding up the transformation of economic development, and promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure, there must be legal guarantees and support。 Wang Yang recalled, he used to visit Singapore Shi, asked transition experience, everyone told him to strengthen vocational and technical education, and training. At present, the focus on transformation and upgrading, training of legal regulations are inadequate. In addition to the building of the legal system, also need to step up enforcement. "If 5-10 is a foreigner requires that we protect intellectual products years ago, now are weF requirements. If you do not have a well-established system of intellectual property protection, no crack, transformation and upgrade will fail. "Questions of domestic products Ocean name" Dongguan if you do not change, it will become the Guangdong Greece. "Wang to Dongguan as an example, Dongguan is representative of typical traditional development model, as the Yuan exchange rate increased by factors such as the price of raw materials, and resources, many companies hardThat followed. This also affects the villagers ' incomes, many villages are now only by borrowing money to pay dividends. Sea view wot power leveling, the villagers did not adjust well, not willing to endure the pains of transition. "Are not willing to bear the pain, it can bring long pain. "At the same time, he also questioned, why are domestic products, must be taken a Western name. Wang Yang should be confident of the development of domestic brands.Profit-oriented politics Wang Yang feel the need to establish a scientific Outlook, he criticized the political phenomenon of instant success, "everyone thought I would do a few years, don't speed off down the years, ranking do not fall down, not willing to do long term, not to do basic work. "For example, why a lot of people think that development of Jiangsu foot, which is doing well because the long-term education."I have discussed and foreign institutions, why research and development institutions in the Yangtze River Delta is not placed in the Pearl River Delta, the answer is the supply of college students in the PRD can also, Shuo Bo would have been enough. "Reform stands at the bottom on the mood of meeting is on the call the Guangdong delegation at yesterday's Board meeting, or have mentioned on problems to improve the mood of meeting, Director of the Guangdong provincial people's Congress, Mr OU Guangyuan, recommendations, the meeting should be simplified。 Yang took over the topic, devoted to the leadership is not recommended, "sometimes the host described one by one, leaders also bowed to stand up one by one, too much trouble, bad weather in Guangdong, some of the outdoor activities, we stood at the bottom, actually cursed. But leading his say on this matter, you don't say, others dare not describe you. Are not described,Will slowly form rules. "He also criticized the demands before the meeting lead to applaud wot power leveling," do people not want to applaud you for applause? "In addition, in his view, too many Conference souvenirs is necessary.

