
tera power leveling who normally would never have expected it - TGT

129773439000000000_1175Sasangge in China, few contemporary Western scholars with Hayek's extensive and far-reaching influence, that just might be because China has just been through a period of planned economy because of tragic history, more than his Western readers, we are more keenly aware of. Remember in almost exactly ten years after his death, mainstream academia is almost must be according to Hayek. March23rd, is the 20th century's most prominent liberal economist and thinker, one of the 20 anniversary of the death, as a staunch disciple of Hayek tera power leveling, I want to loudly called for in the present context of such special, we need to read Hayek in particular, reviewing his lessons. It is no exaggeration to say that, I have read almost the domestic Chinese translation of HayekAll books, including monographs and essays, some of which are classic and even have more than read it again. My superficial understanding Hayek's greatest contribution to 20th century human thought focuses on the following two aspects: first, in academic practice, he is the best of classical Liberals, under inheritance refers to themselves as "people of the old Whig party". In the 1920 of the 20th century, Unprecedented in the Western depression of the burgeoning emerging Soviet planned economy has demonstrated strong vitality. As a substitute, was considered the "Salvation of capitalism" Keynesian starting in the West to road, and became the United Kingdom implementation of the welfare State and the labour party United States "new deal" official philosophy. After that for quite a long timePeriod, Hayek was almost single-handedly and perseverance to challenge the powerful social trends. In the 1930 of the 20th century he was between Keynesians and the outbreak of the great war ", and was ended in Keynes's Party swept. But Hayek does not have shaken himself believed in the free market economy, since then, he has been looking for opportunities and KeynesianLaunch a debate. Until in the 1970 of the 20th century, stressing that the Government intervention in the economy and the State welfare system of the package as a result of a series of serious consequences-is one of the most typical of traditional economic theory does not explain "stagflation" and the political bureaucracy and low efficiency of on-the-developed societies spread throughout the West with increasing alarming, it was finally rediscovered Friedrich von Hayek。 In 1974 and 1976 tera gold, Friedman and his two diehard elements of liberalism have won the Nobel economics prize, their theory (together with the famous "supply-siders") became United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher and United States President Ronald Reagan join hands to create a swept across more than 30 years in the world of capitalism in the future of the so-called "neo-liberal revolution" of the Bible. At this point, ISeems to be final judgment: is Hayek's smile at the end. Include the 1992 and 2006 successively and then at any rate, Hayek and Friedman, who normally would never have expected it, "the Thatcher-Reagan Revolution" created by 30 years of high growth and low inflation "golden age" in one proceeding from Wall Street swept across the face of the global financial tsunami was so vulnerable, instantly washedTo pieces. Three years ago, we can see that the sovereign debt from financial institutions to the Government, and then to the real economy, from the United States to Europe, and then to the emerging economies of sth Continuous wave followed by a wave of crisis, has yet to see clear signs of stabilisation at the end. So, many people once again to see the future of capitalism, in their view, this is a new great depression, it clearlyConfirming the "neo-liberalism" of the bankrupt. In China, this argument has been intentionally or unintentionally, and the so-called "China model" entangled together, so that the problem takes on a more complex performance. Here tera power leveling, I don't want to trouble analysis of the "neo-liberal" has been ambiguous at the time of the birth of the self has an obvious derogatory concept (in fact, it is Western left-wing academics to itsOpponents stick labels, free market theorists themselves have never claimed to be "neo-Liberals"), although this fact is very necessary. I want to ask a question: the financial crisis really did end of the sentencing the death of free markets and capitalism? I think we can at least say: free market economy may not be the best, there are many "Failure ", but has not yet been found to replace it by a better economic system, including the Emperor's new clothes-like" China model ". 123 «» Others:

