
tera gold but did not rule out possible overseas listing. If you are overseas listing - IDB

129784668146303750_201Nanchang listed without the Bank five years staring at a-share at the h-shares On April 12, the banks are about to convene a general meeting of shareholders of Nanchang, discussion list and issue $ 5 billion corporate bonds and other issues. However, just as the Bank seeks listing again in Nanchang, the China business newspaper reporter found that shareholders have initiation retreat and secretly looking for disk access. Reporter was informed that Bank of Nanchang's sixth-largest shareholder-driving training center-Jiangxi blue sky company limited (Hereinafter referred to as "blue driving school") was commissioned by the Shenzhen United assets and equity exchange (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Stock Exchange") intends to transfer his holding of 3.21% Nanchang Bank stake, but have not been successful so far. Blue Sky fall driving school initiation, delays or listing a big reason. Although the listing started 5 years ago, but not going well, in 14 of the Securities and Futures Commission has announced "awaiting trial"In banks, Bank of Nanchang lost. Tang Chunsheng, Deputy Director of the banks listed in Nanchang Office admitted to reporters, Nam Cheong has been actively engaged in the list, but did not rule out possible overseas listing. If you are overseas listing, "or preferred in Hong Kong". Initiation of big shareholders blackout equity back blue sky six driving school have been covert to equity beginning of 2012 "profiteering" and "Charging "association between, being public tera gold, bank executives had to face questioning. Since the second half of 2011, listed banks in fee and Commission income amounted to absolute quarterly proportion of non-interest income fell, this is most evident in large State-owned body, last quarter of 2011, workers, farmers, and built over the five largest state-owned bank NET fees and commissions receivedIn per cent decline respectively, 5%, 13%, and 14%. And this is the regulators in 2012 "indiscriminate collection" rectification of focus areas--financial consultants and consulting fees, credits, such as commitment fees and guarantee fees as a delegate of credit related services fee income. It is learnt that, Bank of 2011 to be held on April 12 in Nanchang shareholdersConference, "Nam Cheong Bank issued in consideration of the motion of the plan" as a "pressurized drama". Listed on the plan as early as 2007 Bank of Nanchang, but 5 years failed. Blue driving school has one of the top ten shareholders germination "retreat". On December 8, 2011, Shenzhen Stock Exchange release number for the "MY012011-0008E" of transferAnnouncement, call for bank 3.21% shares of the transferee in Nanchang, transfer to Sky driving school. According to the announcement, Nanchang Bank registered capital is 2.382 billion yuan. Blue Sky driving school Nanchang banks a total of 76.526 million stock, stake for 3.21%, as the sixth-largest shareholder in Nanchang. As of December 31, 2010, Bank of Nanchang owner rightsYi 4.857 billion yuan. 2010 main business income is $ 1.998 billion, net income of $ 767 million, net worth of $ 2.04 per share. According to Nam Cheong bank profitability, blue sky driving school transfer object has a list price of $ 283 million, gave $ 3.7 per share price, premium 81.37% per cent. Surprise is,Nanchang banks do it listed so far on Sky driving school knew of the transfer of ownership, also do not know what the sky driving school to exit. Provisions and in accordance with the Charter of the Bank of Nanchang, transfer of legal person shares exceeds the total share capital of 1%, shall be subject to consideration by the General Assembly of shareholders. Blue Sky ideas driving school is, first secretly recruited by party, after the project contract and convened general meeting of shareholders, and final resolution�� It is understood that sky driving school registered capital of $ 128 million, for the largest driving school in Jiangxi, legal representative of human Yu Kai. Blue Sky driving school Hsu said tera power leveling, head of the Finance Department, they did not succeed in transferring Nanchang Bank stake, now just with the intention to make the negotiations and will continue to participate in the shareholders meeting on April 12. "Why transferred full ownership of" Hsu is responsible forOthers responded that, blue sky share a greater proportion of the driving school to hold Bank of Nanchang and held for many years, reduction or withdrawal is because of blue sky driving school would like to exchange some of the assets. Xu said the issue of the transfer of ownership "Nanchang banks should know". Inside she didn't say more equity transfer, saying only that "has not been transferred into", and said "(Bank of Nanchang) is fine, also the Red". 5 year listingEfforts were in vain, as one of the ten shareholders of Bank of Nanchang and the sky driving school "initiation retreat", in 2011, the dark collection, but does not transfer successful. Specification for internal employee equity banks want to complete counseling in 2012 the year acceptance of Nanchang, and cross-listing the major stumbling blocks on the road is the specification of internal trade union equity issues. 5 years failed to market, across the Bank of NanchangIn front of the main "stumbling block" is the specification of internal trade union equity issues. United Bank according to the Ministry of finance, and securities and Futures Commission and the China insurance regulatory Commission issued by the China Banking Regulatory Commission on regulating the financial internal notification of employee stock ownership (MSC (2010)) rules, after the public offering of new shares by employees in total equity stake of not more than 10%, a number of employee stock ownershipShall not exceed the total share capital of about 1%. Or 500,000 shares. Sprint listing, Bank of Nanchang in the equity clearing: 2011, Bank of Nanchang has completed more than 800 more than the unmanaged shareholder's equity managed, reducing the number of unmanaged shareholders and more than 13,000 households were cleaned up the historical evolution of individual shareholders ' equity. However, by local 40 urban credit cooperatives set upNanchang which Bank shareholders, and complex ownership structure, equity clean up difficult. It is understood that currently Nanchang Bank employees held a total of 5.101 million shares, stake for 10.98%, still does not meet the (Finance (2010)) regulations. The other hand, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Commission reached an agreement, is bounded by implementation of the new Act,Before 2006 the shareholders of more than 200 people city commercial banks can declare IPO material. Which means if the 2006 shareholder for more than 200 people, banks must be unrestricted shareholders will be cleaned up. Reporters learned that bank 2006 new staff holding more than 200 people in Nanchang, Nanchang banks quite a headache this problem. "At present employees share has not yet started cleaning upIf you want to clean up, the one-time cleaning, including executives. "Tang Chunsheng said. It is reported that the banks want to complete counseling in 2012 the year acceptance of Nanchang, Jiangxi provincial government made confirmation of ownership and listing recommendations issued by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. According to Nam Cheong Bank annual report data displays, from 2008 to 2010 tera gold, its capital adequacy ratio fell for 3 consecutive years, 2008 years, in 2009 and 2010 capital adequacy, 16.41% and 12.65%, respectively. In line with its development strategy objectives, to maintain a capital adequacy ratio of the company not less than 12% per year, starting from the 2011 capital gap appears, need additional capital. For listed equity stable til, Nanchang Bank Board of Directors has decided to adopt the$ 1 billion subordinated bonds added subsidiary capital. Tang Chunsheng, Nanchang Bank bad loan rate 2011 is 1.29%, representing a decline of 0.09%, capital adequacy ratio of more than 13.5%, and nearly 1% over the previous year. "The Bank's profitability is gradually improving in Nanchang, bad loan rate is declining, capital adequacy ratio continues to increase,Will help Quicken the pace of its listing. "Tang Chunsheng said. Does not rule out overseas listing in years of effort failed after landing a shares, or even stand on the queue, Nanchang Bank seeks overseas listing, "Hong Kong is the preferred". Listing started 5 years ago of Nanchang on the Bank this is not crowded of local commercial banks "awaiting trial" series. It is learnt that the Nanchang listed Bank or adjust the strategy, on the one handFocus on the a-share market and speed up the "perfect conditions" of progress, on the other hand is also studying the feasibility of overseas listing. However, Nam Cheong, who asked not to be named Bank listed in charge said, on April 12 and will not be considered by the General Assembly of shareholders of a shares, or h-share listing problem. "Nanchang also is in the list, but also do not have the conditions, such as internal trade unionShare cleaning problems. "It is reported that Nam Cheong Bank shareholders meeting will also discuss, on April 12 issued $ 5 billion small business financial bonds and an additional 400 million shares for the fifth time and other important matters. Zhiqian, Nanchang fifth Bank raise equity financing scheme of 200 million shares. Nanchang Bank successfully an additional 1.2 billion shares in December 2007 for the first time, attracted 30 enterprises to raise capitalGold $ 1.56 billion. Zhihou, Nanchang bank capital increase and share every year. Tang Chunsheng informed that fifth capital increase and share expansion will face old and new shareholders per share $ 3.1, intends to raise $ 1.24 billion to increase capital. As the Bank continues expansion of Nanchang, the gradual increase in demand for capital. Nanchang Bank expansion of both their own needs, also from the upper "wishes"Competitors" down force ". In February this year on the financial working conference in Jiangxi province, Nanchang, Jiangxi high level support creating regional financial centre, also mentioned that supported the Bank of Nanchang, Jiujiang Bank "in 35 issues listed" plan. Plans to Nanchang Nanchang creating regional financial center banking brings more opportunities, but also attracted a "Wolf". Such as the Bank of JiujiangFast sites in Nanchang, banks, Ganzhou Shangrao city commercial banks such as Bank and Bank of Beijing press step by step. Faced with numerous "Please come in" competitors, "go" will be the inevitable choice of Bank of Nanchang. It is understood that the banks except in Jiujiang, Shangrao, Jiangxi province of Nanchang, Ganzhou, Pingxiang city, besides, its branch in Guangzhou, Suzhou branch have been established. Nanchang public bankCome to a show, at the end of September 2011, a total of branch 76 (including head office sales department), with a branch at level 17, offsite 7, remote branch 2. In total business spending in the business and the highest percentage of management fees, remains greater than 50%. Due to rigid part in operational and management costs, along with the rapid reduction in the asset impairment losses, SouthChang of Bank business and increasing percentage of management fees, increased from $ 429 million in 2008 to $ 653 million in 2010, 3-year average compound growth rate of 23.38%. Others:

