
tera power leveling bring greater business risk - MJW

129770904434375000_207SASAC said 23rd Wang Yong, Director of the State Council, reflected in many Central enterprises, current compared to the 2008 financial crisis, the situation may become even worse. In economic good times can easily be covered up, and revealed weaknesses and problems are to be ignored. Central Enterprise "by management to identify risks, to stop bleeding," keep production smooth transportLine. According to Wang Yong in the 23rd enterprise management activities carried out in the middle of the video meeting, according to the State-owned assets supervision management in the near future on comparative study of State enterprises and the world's leading corporations, central enterprise there is a large gap still: in terms of management, high performance weak control capacity at Headquarters, the process does not shun, standards, information and not the poor, set, tubeWithout widespread control, basic management with greater headroom; in terms of management innovation tera gold, the central enterprise is still in the stage of imitating the world first-class enterprise, made no substantive breakthrough; in terms of investment and mergers and acquisitions, central enterprise consolidation and effective management of resources is not enough, and even some enterprise scale, management can not keep up, bring greater business risk;Management information, most of the Central Group of companies have not yet formed a unified and efficient management of information systems, could not very well supported on the use of information technology in management role in international business administration in Central multinational index is still relatively low, global deployment, consolidation, global resources, to create the world's industry is still in its infancy. Wang Yong said, the central enterpriseCarry out management activities, to emphasize comprehensive budget management, investment management tera power leveling, comprehensive risk management, human resource management, technology innovation management, property management, legal management, procurement management, safety production management, management, information management, social responsibility, party construction management and anti-corruption focus management 13 solid implementation of the various measures, central businessManagement shift from extensive to intensive and meticulous way, to enhance the management level. Specifically, he suggested that the central management of enterprises should strive to achieve short and the key breakthrough of bottleneck; pay close attention to cut expenditure and raise revenue, lowering costs and increasing benefits; realistically strengthen and improve management; a special upgrade promotion enterprise management level comprehensively improve UV, construction managementLifting mechanism. As far as I understand, according to the advance of the central enterprise promotion activities for a period of two years, divided into comprehensive start, self-diagnostics, special promotion tera gold, cooperative promotion and evaluation of continuous improvement, the summary of the three stages. "Central enterprise to take advantage of this event to, through constant efforts, to improve the management level, to benefit from management, to quality, to waterFlat, laying the foundations to nurture a world-class enterprise. "Wang Yong said. Others:

