
tera gold 129779512077656250_100 - DXJ

129779512077656250_100[Zhongguancunzaixian home appliances channel original] unknowingly had entered in April, when is bloom, but comparison of household electrical appliance industry is still volatile, took last week, it was known as the "father of liquid crystal" sharp change of surname of "Taiwan", and its employees wage 2%. However, last week some pleasant things, such as OLED Panel technology breakthrough, costs can be reduced 90%. AlsoThere is now little Huang Jinzhou, store promotions also broke the tradition of affordable housing subsidies tera gold, credits phased zero cost, and so on, let us first recall below. Cost of OLED Panel technology breakthrough to cut 90% keywords: OLED Panel, I learned from the foreign media last week, Japan Yamagata University Professor Ren Jingshi has successfully developed a set of printing formsTo manufacture OLED Panel-driven components (transistor) technology. It is understood that the use of the new technologies, as long as the combination of a as the illuminant system of organic compounds and plastic panels, printing technology for mass production of OLED panels can also be used, as a result, manufacturing cost of OLED panels can be reduced to the existing one-tenth cent da 90%. OLED televisions very thinReports that the new technology plans to try after 5 years to complete the work. It is reported that, at present, has started in large size TV-OLED Panel is mainly made of silicon transistors, and in the manufacture of electrodes required when using high temperature, it takes a lot of power, and the Panel must use heat-resistant glass products, in addition to don't need to manufacture high temperature electrode technology, Panel orUse glass products. >> Details<编辑点评:从目前情况来看LED似乎已经走到了一个节点,OLED很有可能成为未来趋势,我们在年初的美国CES上看到,LG和三星等企业都展示了自己OLED电视产品,电视十分之薄,但OLED大屏化成本十分之高,如今,如>Where cost reduction is the main task of the current; otherwise, the expensive prices makes customers wait-and-see. Today, the challenge of how to lower costs are the manufacturers tera power leveling, Japan, introduction of new technologies of OLED panels can be manufactured cost to existing one-tenth cent da 90%, was a qualitative leap forward, but is the point in time, after 5 years to finishTry to work. It is understood that tera gold, Sony has been developing OLED TV, and Taiwan's AU Optronics also began mass production of OLED display for mobile devices in 2011, looking forward to other manufacturers to upgrade technology, cost reduction, as soon as possible so that consumers can enjoy the OLED TV. Others:

