
tera gold 2011 commercial bank achieves 10 - GPM

129773160543125000_204 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera/">tera power leveling</a>Introduction: banks achieve high profits were posted on the "numbness" label, and was seen as exploitation of results of the enterprise, Bank or even be regarded as business difficulties triggered, become the object of criticism. The recent period of time, the higher profits of commercial banks into broad topic, if commercial banks in the past, particularly listed banks are proud of achieving higher profits, nowIs the oppositeSeveral problems about the banking sector where profits are much higher? According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission will be released in February 2011 tera power leveling, Bank of China (601,988 shares, market, news, the major trading) industry to run a report, in 2011, $ 1.0412 trillion net profit of commercial banks, the average rate of return on capital 20.4%. More than $ 1 trillion, is really a hugeFigures, based on commercial banks ' net worth is $ 5.7 trillion. As of 2011, three quarter, in the traditional big four State-owned banks, agricultural Bank net assets reached 620.351 billion yuan, the smallest, biggest bank net assets reached 900.682 billion yuan, in joint-stock Bank, China Merchants Bank, CITIC and the Shanghai Pudong development and people's livelihood, Societe Generale's net worth is more than$ 100 billion. Net worth of such a large scale to achieve net profit of $ 1 trillion, from the perspective of the return on capital employed, is not high. By contrast, 2011 Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank's average return on capital employed reached 22.6%, which was also under the impact of the global financial crisis continues, Hang Seng Bank's worst performance level over the past four years. The global financial crisisBefore the outbreak, Citigroup, United States banks, Wells Fargo and other United States large commercial banks ' average return on capital employed exceeds this level, taking into account these banks were higher core capital adequacy levels, their profitability much higher than the Bank of China. Indeed, the past few years net profit of domestic banks have maintained a high growth rate, far more than the GDPGrowth rate (even after discounting the inflation factor). But who are the high profits of the banking sector to benefit? Bank profits high, the biggest benefit is the Government. First of all, banks need to pay sales tax and income tax, these two taxes combined usually reach the Bank's after-tax profit of more than 40%, which means that 2011 would pay the Government more than 400 billion dollars in commercial banksTax revenue. If you look at the State-owned shares in the banking industry, not only of the five largest state-owned bank shareholders Huijin company or Treasury, majority shareholders of joint-stock banks are also under the jurisdiction of the local government finance or State-owned assets supervision of Central enterprises, proportion of State-owned shares in the banking sector as a whole should be at around 50%. So, 2011 commercial bank achieves 10,000Million net profit, but the profits of more than two-thirds are eventually handed over to the Government, directly or indirectly. If the Bank did not profit, or not make money, what will be the situation? That means that the Bank no longer has the investment value, outside investors as the listed banks, will not be willing to hold shares of the Bank, Bank withdrawal was the only way. Of course, if they are notProfits, the Government cannot get income, nor as a shareholder of the Bank to share the profits. In that case, is the State-owned specialized banks banks back to the era of planned economy, institutions or Government departments may become pure, will produce huge amounts of bad loans, who are not responsible for accountability, banks will have no power to issue the loan, Impossible for enterprises to access any loan, as the Bank back to the era of planned economy, economic activity will also return to a planned economy as a whole. Bank profits high, is it sustainable? Banks currently profits high, does not indicate this high profit and keep going. Banking industry is clearly cyclical industries, often with the emergence of macroeconomic fluctuations the sharp profitFixed: when the economy is in upward cycles, bank earnings higher; if the economy is in a down cycle, a large number of bad loans will appear, Bank profits will be significantly reduced, even at a loss. Entering the second half of 2011, China's economy into a downward cycle trend is obvious. Central Government is the GDP growth target this year downward to 7.5%, make sureEconomic growth this year is down. The economic downturn will have a negative impact on bank earnings, in fact, since the beginning of 2009, banks have more than 7 trillion yuan local government financing loans, according to statistics, there would be 1.84 trillion yuan the Government financed loans due this year. If part of these loans are not repaid on schedule, bad loans in the banking sector will be anxiousDrama rise, earnings will decline significantly. Revenue reduced due to a sharp drop in revenue from land sales, local governments can be completed on schedule to repay loans become a matter of concern and even suspected. This concern has been in the capital markets to achieve: the current average price-earnings ratio of listed banks of less than 7 times, the average book is only about 1.5 times, valuations well below market averageLevel, this proves that the Bank looks profitable good, but investors were optimistic about the prospects of the banking industry. Banks are enterprises operating difficulties triggered? Currently the majority of enterprises, especially small enterprises operating difficulties, small businesses have emerged in Wenzhou failure surges, running tide, it was even more difficult than 2008 years, many people see the small enterprises and the banking sector"Ice fire two days", have accused the banks not lending to the real economy, and by increasing loan interest rates to the exploitation of small businesses, is numbness, or even business difficult causes. As bank capital adequacy constraints, deposits and loans than constraint and annual loan size control, so that the scale of loans is limited, far less than the funding needs of the community. Credit financingReality of the gold supply is far less than the demand, a considerable part of nature into unmet loan demand from the real economy. To unmet demand for loans and non-State-owned small enterprises, operating difficulties they appear because of a shortage of funds is particularly interesting. Banking is one of the most basic principles of "risk and return match": when the enterprise is large,Lower risk, or when you can provide sufficient collateral, lower interest rates on bank loans; when the enterprises are small, high risk, or qualified mortgage collateral at the same time, banks will require higher interest rates as risk compensation. Due to the State-owned enterprises, particularly State-owned enterprises behind the Government guarantee, the Government will not let them fail, together with the State-owned enterprisesLarger, stronger defense against risk, relative to access to loans at lower interest rates, and local government financing the project is at the request of the Central Government loans, if there is a default risk, can also request the Central People's Government "to a" responsibility without fear of being held accountable for issuing bad loans. Small businesses, especially the small micro-enterprises as a life cycleShort, business risk high, risk nature of bank loans to them than large enterprises, particularly State-owned enterprises and higher. Based on risk considerations, banks are not willing to give the small micro-enterprise loan; even provides loans, the interest rates will be higher than the required large business loan interest rates; even if interest rates increase, will is not strong on banks for small business loans. From around the worldExperience, resolve the problems of small enterprises, micro-enterprises particularly small problems, and has always been the responsibility of the Government, instead of the Bank's responsibility, not the banks ' obligations. To emphasize that free competition in the market economy of the United States, for example, also as a member of the Federal Cabinet's Small Business Council, support for small enterprises included in the federal budget every year, each year to spend considerable money and resources fosterSmall enterprises. China's policy for small business support, also in October last year held only after an Executive meeting of the State Council issued a series of regulations, many scholars call for tax cuts to small businesses have been unable to implement. If the small business tax cuts tera gold, now days they would be much better, is not required due to the cash-strapped and were forced to accept the Bank's high interest rates, or to ask for helpOn a small loan company and the underground. How financial reform? Said so much as banks "excuse", does not mean that the Bank of China is no problem. In fact, the current banking also has a number of problems, needs to be resolved by accelerating reforms. The future, strengthening corporate governance of financial institutions to expand from four aspects: one is the formation of effective system of decision-making, implementation,Balance mechanisms; the second mechanism is a sound capital constraints, promote equity diversified financial institutions; three is the establishment of an effective mechanism for personnel selection, and the incentive and constraint mechanism of sound scientific and rational. If these four areas of work had made tangible progress, degree of marketization of Chinese banking industry will further improve, achieve higher profits also will have a more solid institutional basis, for the real economy and small-enterpriseBroader prospects will also be of service. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

