
tera gold go kill became pilot of the later series of those trick movement - KCT

129779512068125000_89 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>The abstracts from the Chinese reading newspaper (February 15, 2012 release), author: Chen Tiejian, the original question: why discomfit the Red Army Soviet areas? --Back to an examination of history after four anti-CPC encircle the Soviet Revolution war, presenting a powerful political force, why is hit in the fifth counter-encirclement, discomfit Soviet areas? Book think Communist China lost both their problems, There is between the forces of change. Nanjing nationalist government after 1930, basically controlled the South-Eastern region, gradually establishing normal relations with foreign States, good economic development trend, Japan's invasion of China sustained the momentum. In June 1933, Chiang Kai-shek began deploying fifth encirclement, relying on its military advantage (the KMT 500,000 tera power leveling, 100,000 Red Army; the former Cannon 1200, the latter only dozens of men), and creep feed intake strategy: the road, build a pillbox, play, advancing step by step. Assessing Chiang Ching-kuo, "they start at just 500. Such as our daily progress in the second, less than 1 year, can be fully occupied and robbers "(184 pages). On the military, and face the enemy in the Fort, and increasingly narrow space, the Red Army's counter-encirclement operation does not apply to lure the enemy in deepMethod, and mobile warfare was hard to find fighters, like "cat watching fish in glass elusive" (Peng). In the counter-encirclement battles, the Red Army have mostly was later criticized by the "short assault" tactics. Is a Department of Defense attract the enemy, major laid an ambush in the vicinity, and when the enemy appeared in the forward position of our army, the major "purposes of short assault and assaultSo that smashed the enemy before the Fort ". Reed Richards, Zhou Enlai, Xiang ying, Zhu de has the same idea, Zhu de, Peng Dehuai, Lin Biao one-time wrote expositions. It was seek tactical offensives in the passive strategy under the background of a tactical choice for defense of the helpless, despite its rationality, but not as Reed Richards and leather by the Central Military Commission, expected to play a significant effect. Subject to the enemy in the military, youBottleneck restriction. Soviet human, material, economic and political resources are becoming increasingly scarce, survival and operational resources of the CPC would be facing great challenges. CPC policy are more aggressive, elimination of counterrevolutionaries campaign and Cha Tian campaign, expanding the Red campaign, junk bonds, strong KOC MI collection at the same time. Drain the pond to get all the fish kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, is seeking excessive extremes of approach, coupled with the Kuomintang army blockade tera gold, within two years of the Soviet UnionGet resources dried up, The troops have been in operation too long and soldiers are extremely tired., State of financial hardship. Central Soviet area population of about 3 million, full-time and full-half staff over three hundred thousand or four hundred thousand people, an average of every eight people to feed one, singular heavy burden. 1934 15.7% of Central Soviet area average income of farmers ' burden, more than 30% (317). When someone says, "for the victory of the Chinese revolution,Farmers must sacrifice a little "(288 pages). Was more sacrifices! In 1930 by the ganxinan party and the red front army opened its elimination of counterrevolutionaries campaign ends, and military elite for the killing of a group object, sapped. Its is the theoretical foundation of Zhang Wen-Tian, Liang Baitai repeatedly write publicly advertised by the Leninist proletarian dictatorship by force, but not subject to any legalTheories of restriction include laws and regulations. In practice abolished all legal and judicial procedures, and third degree, go kill became pilot of the later series of those trick movement, enemies of great. Actions by the Central Soviet area Su AB, cleaning it well ahead of the Soviet Union during Stalin's great, not totally attributed to wartime environment. Others:

