
tera power leveling an economist said - FVA

129770904192968750_208United States President Barack Obama to the Fed (Federal Reserve) the nomination served on March 20, an economist said, if the economic recovery accelerated, United States should abandon its Central Bank will maintain the zero interest rate commitment until the end of 2014. Harvard University economist JeremyStein) about the Fed pointed out at a hearing of the Board of Directors of vocational qualification, and changing economic conditions may affect the current expectations for policy. "If the economy is recovering faster than expected, so now there is a need in the Fed's dual mandate under the guidance, to return to its loose fiscal policy. "He told the Senate Banking Committee tera gold。  The Fed's dual mandate, is to promote maximum employment and combating inflation. Fed in January this year claimed that United States interest rate remains at the current economic situation "very low" position, a situation that will continue until the end of 2014, than previously forecast to be delayed for 18 months.  This freedom of speech a week ago the Fed policy meeting was again raised. UnitedOfficials recently have been repeating the same point of storage tera power leveling, is higher than the expected employment and consumption data are leading to another round of bond-buying rate goes down.  They recommended that the early date of raising interest rates for the first time. The other nominees of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve, investment banker and former Finance Ministry official JeromeThe Fed changing the timing of ultra-loose policy is the most important challenge facing the Fed.  In December 2008, the Federal Reserve overnight interest rates down to near zero tera gold, and purchased $ 2.3 trillion of government debt and mortgage loans, in order to weaken the other borrowing costs. "In terms of monetary policy, the work can provide support to continuing sluggish economic conditionsBut the (Federal Reserve) should also be a timely manner at an appropriate time to change the current easing policy to avoid high inflation.  "Powell said. Two nominees in the Senate Banking Committee hearings have given way to solve the problem in the report.  Committee will decide in the future whether or not need to be nominated by a full Senate vote on two people serving problems. The Federal Reserve BoardDirectors for a term of 14, JeremyFull scale, this is the first time since April 2006.  However, new jobs will also appear in the near future. ElizabethDuke is still served in a Federal Reserve Board. JeromeWall Street thought patterns. JeremyFed officials support the Chairman of the Federal Reserve's perspective. Prepared a complete set of the Federal Reserve Board will give the Federal Reserve ChairmanEconomic growth approach. Senate Committee is expected to be held next week on whether to recommend the entire Senate nomination vote. Others:

