
tera gold the warring States of China is one of the axis powers - QXS

129779512123750000_180Summary: Chinese servicemen and civilians, including the KMT, have made enormous sacrifices. In contrast, KMT military strength, operational scale, Afar, surprisingly including a number of high-ranking officers and men sacrifice, but on the other hand, the "national army" defeated puppet army reduced the enemy, and no less. Armed strength of the Communist Party tera gold, and today to combat small, annihilateLess, less expense of officers and men, especially the generals rarely sacrificed. But the Chinese Communist forces from the unaccomplished formed down the enemy's example of the puppet army. With respect to its strength, or its loss, their combat efficiency should be said to be more than the KMT. This article is an excerpt from the practice of nationalism: China "stand up" history author: Prof Qin Hui originally contained in the weekend 2012Month of 2nd Edition Japanese with friction: "positive" and "negative" discussion here it should be noted that: the fighting guerrilla warfare against the invasion of the strong and the weak had no choice, is beyond reproach. The KMT at that time is considered from a global perspective of war. First, both sides are firmly against Japan, yielding; the second, both sides are actually hopes victory prospectsIn the victory of the anti-fascist camp of world third, both to save strength for time-varying, babiroussa becomes the idea again. As long as the war's future depends on the global victory of the anti-fascist camp, China battlefield position, depending on the Chongqing Government follow through. So the key here tera power leveling, is not the "frontal battlefield", "behind the battlefield" result is large or small,But in the attitudes of State sovereignty embodied. From the perspective of international law and in the eyes of the world, one country belongs to which of the two camps, is decided by the attitude of State sovereignty embodied, rather than determined by the opposition, and the opposition parties. At that time, international sovereignty on behalf of China on Chongqing Government, as the puppet, as if it take refuge in Japan, the warring States of China is one of the axis powers, rather thanAnti-fascist allies. Internally there was a resistance movement of the opposition, and cannot change that, just as Bulgaria, and Italy there is this group of countries the anti-fascist resistance, these forces were seen as heroes, but this does not change the countries belonging to the axis powers, is vanquished in the second world war. So, if surrender of Chongqing, even Yan resistance,China could not escape "Japan victory for their slaves, Japan defeated the immolation" tragic fate. Even defenders of Yan ' an even later overturned in Chongqing with an enemy Government, they may not be able to change that. Like Italy, early in 1943 the people to overthrow Mussolini, to the Allied side, but after the war it was used as a defeated power, accept cede territory claims. HoweverIf, in turn, was yan to surrender, as long as the stick resistance of Chongqing, China would still belong to the Allied camp, war will continue to be the "top five". Perhaps readers will say, France Vichy Government surrendered Germany Hou tera gold, had not recognized the allies Camp de Gaulle resistance forces "free France" France representative of the sovereign, France after the second world war did not become the victors? Here I would like to say that, whenEarly on this issue is controversial, and although the Vichy Government to submit to Germany, has not joined the axis powers, but claimed neutrality before the Charles de Gaulle is France Government officials, not the opposition. If it's not Charles de Gaulle, but by representatives of the French Communist resistance force, France later status may not be the same. Others:

