
tera power leveling - DKD

129784668096460000_81Standard Chartered China aeration holes of four Lin Ching-Germany management ability has been questioned Recently, Standard Chartered Bank China business even by the media, product loss of huge, "loan" arrested for loansharking tera power leveling, Lee made the suspect through regulatory red line, employees, criminal detention by the police ... Standard Chartered China area Marketing Department respond to China network interview, is not a positive response if there is a loophole. Prior to this, Standard Chartered Bank (China) limited CEO Lin QingdeHas said that Standard Chartered Bank is concerned by the customer. Frequent collective complaints and customer financing, loan products, being tortured Lin Qingde management capabilities. Vulnerability: financial loss exposure of the ten victims of suspected financial product design vulnerabilities in recent years, chartered financial losses from the ten great events by the media exposure of customer complaints. According to incomplete statistics of China economic NET, customer complaint in SCBank Manager product design, product information, transparency and financial management service, and so on. At present, Standard Chartered Bank financing products, when exposed to market risks, some financial products, or there is a design problem. User claimed "Merrill Lynch Global new energy", for example, the product structure made up of plan a, b, in a plan to stage the highest expected return for 30%, After certain conditions are met, plan a to plan b, plan b stage performance of the product and a link equity shares fully linked, were mixed in sync. However, according to industry sources, if any of the investment in the first year of a link relative initial stock price fell by only 40%, this product not only reach a plan of principal and interest income, and eventually gains a full cut-offIn some stocks were mixed. In view of this, in that year's market context, rather than not avoided, but more focused. In this regard, Standard Chartered Bank had explained to the media, QDII structured notes is a high risk product. After the financial crisis, Standard Chartered in the improvement of products designed for the Chinese market. However, senior financial analysts believe that foreign banks to issueStructured financial products are not suitable for ordinary investors. Financial product serious losses, repeated customer complaints on this, Standard Chartered Bank was not to give positive response to product design for vulnerabilities. In addition, Standard Chartered said that decreased in financial markets, financial products inevitably had a negative impact. Standard Chartered's official website the release of QDII products for more information. WhileStandard Chartered Bank will regularly communicate with customers relating to financial products. For example, the monthly statements sent to customers and "monthly review". When the product expires, the product expiration notification is sent to the customer. Vulnerability II: two years seven has been exposed in SC now loan and deposit fraud suspected in recent days, with media exposure Standard Chartered Bank "credit" suspected of usury. By the China economic net reporterFind over the last two years, Standard Chartered Bank "credit" has been the media exposure of the seven, customer complaints, chartered the "loan" consumption trap, Customer Manager suspected of fraud and other issues. Among them, the most typical case occurred in March of this year. Standard Chartered Bank Shenzhen Mr Tsui accused "loan" is suspected of usury, the bank clerk is considered seriously mislead consumers, the loanReceived loan interest to account management charge, even in the loan contract or hidden contract trap, trap hidden management fees + interest + contract penalty interest equivalent of "usury". For customer complaints, according to Standard Chartered Bank has looked into this matter in depth, and with Mr Tsui reconciliation. In addition, exposure Xu complaint Shenzhen commercial newspaper also issued a call for the event, survey, Standard CharteredBank has been posting messages to Mr Tsui, but the delivery address has been replaced due to Mr Tsui, led to Mr Tsui has not received letters of interest. Vulnerability of three: alleged high interest rates put storage was halted Lee credits the suspect through regulatory red line, according to media reports, Standard Chartered Bank since March 19 tera gold, "interest loan" business is suspended, Standard Chartered does not give an answer as to why the suspension. According to people with knowledge ofSaid Standard Chartered closed loans real estate classes, and class years ago foreign currency mortgages were related to customer complaints and criticized by regulators. It is understood that with Standard Chartered Bank "live good loan" similar loan card, deposit and lending through business in 2009, which was very popular. But in 2010, 2011, coming on the banks closed the business. Who declined to be named Manager of the phraseDiscover the secret: "the quicker profits of banks loans of the business deal, especially now has not changed in the case of negative interest rates, Bank profits. Moreover, Lee alleged high interest loan get storage, regulators are strict banking regulations, banks in this power will be more small business. "For the alleged high interest rates put Lee credits of reservoir was halted, according to Standard Chartered Bank, Standard CharteredReal estate market analysis and trend assessment for consideration, in light of its own comprehensive factors such as risk control lever, adjust the personal development focused on retail banking products, tightening of credit policy, slowing business development of personal housing mortgage loan, mortgage business review to assess the existing policy at the present stage, optimize consolidation business focused on audit processes, adjust the amount of new loans and issuance speed. LeakageFour: save personnel management or employees were arrested in criminal vulnerabilities, according to media reports, in recent days, Shanghai Xintiandi branch of Standard Chartered Bank private banking customer's adviser Wu Eden criminal detention by the police. Standard Chartered to the China economic NET tera power leveling, said police are investigating the case, was unable to comment on the matter. But now the police investigation did not cover the Standard Chartered company. Exposure of the Bank being Lin QingdeManagement ability has been questioned as far as I understand, in 2009, Lin Qingde served as the Standard Chartered Bank (China), Chief Executive, President and Executive Vice President of the Board. Lin Qingde wielded during the Standard Chartered Bank, there are a number of new initiatives, for example, in the small and medium enterprises "normal" financial services, Standard Chartered Bank has launched a product to help exporters. In addition, there is no mortgageProduct. Standard Chartered Hong Kong did not shrink in recent years SME loan, instead of continuing to expand the scope of business, services for more medium and small enterprises. In addition, Standard Chartered also actively assist customers in business, on the premise of sharp fluctuations in exchange rates and commodity, encouraging customers to avoid potential risk through hedging products. Optimize cash flow to a certain extent. InIn 2011, the Lin Qingde have said in public, and Standard Chartered Bank have leveraged commercial model, nor does it concern particularly complex product, the concerned customers, and special attention to effective corporate governance, management, management of liquidity risk and capital management the essential elements of the Bank. This reporter has learned that in recent years, Standard Chartered Bank repeated customer complaints, repeated by media exposure.Current vulnerability exposed by the Chartered Management was Lin Qingde mentioned focus on the content. Why in mainland China has been customer complaints? Perhaps, Standard Chartered Bank (China), Chief Executive, President and Executive Vice President of the Board of Lin Qingde management ability is tested. Others:

