
tera gold 2011 gross profit margin of the company 32.52% - PXL

129773932902187500_47 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera/gold">tera gold</a>Beijing Lear: steel material leading total resistance of Giants led grow 002392[Beijing Lear] study on the non-metallic building materials industry organizations: CITIC building investment and securities analyst: Tian Donghong writing date: March 26, 2012 comment on iron and steel power material resistance leader tera power leveling, improve concentration is refractory industry trends will form the national iron and steel power policyIron and steel enterprises at the international level, quality of the refractory materials, environmental protection, follow-up service capacity requirements are higher, this will stimulate the growth of refractories company. Promotion of industry concentration of iron and steel industry, promoting the upgrading of refractory industry concentration, the company belongs to the leading refractory material, major customers cover dozens of large and medium-sized iron and steel manufacturing company, rapid expansion of production capacity, raisingMarket share opportunities. Companies will further deepen the key account strategies and optimize the overall contract management pattern, at the same time improving service capacity on the basis of the iron and steel industry, step by step to the development of refractories for other industries, promoting the company in the area of coal chemical industry of refractories market share, form new growth points. Company mergers and acquisitions pace of expansion, leading position highlightCompany established during the reporting period the Lier move closer to the raw-material base of Liaoning; and clad steel joint venture steel Lear, take resistance of steel materials; acquisition of Lear in Ma On Shan on, and Jinan iron and steel co, into the East China market; the strategic procurement agreement with Tianjin steel tube factory, on the next step in Tianjin steel tube push overall contract model has an absolute advantage. Thanks to the company's sales growthCustomer strategy and marketing model of the overall contract, domestic market share of the company continued to expand, further established the leading position. Gross profit margin fell tera power leveling, four-quarter upturn during the reporting period, 2011 gross profit margin of the company 32.52%, is down 2010, major causes include: rising prices in 2010 purchase costs of raw materials such as graphite 50.07%, and raw material costs than larger, resulting in gross margin decline; human resources costs rose due to increased manufacturing costs, resulting in gross margin decline; added more customers during the reporting period, as some of the new customers in pilot production stage, production process and lack of stability of the production environment, large refractory materials consumption, increased costs, resulting in gross margin is low. PublicDivision four-quarter gross margin rose more dramatically. We forecast profit forecasts and investment rating company revenue respectively $ 1.563 billion and $ 12-13, corresponding to $ 0.43 EPS respectively, $ 0.70. Company has strong long-term investment value. We keep the company a "buy" rating. var selfURL="http://quotes.cnfol.com/block/7045"; Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

