
for a new technology system

129836519717500000_521Wide media consolidation Hunan cable television network Wide media (000917) notice, to actively promote the triple play trial-point work in Hunan province, established a network of covering the entire province, the whole new system, interconnection of cable TV networks, company subsidiary of Hunan provincial cable TV network (Group) company limited recently and in four counties of Hunan network network integration framework agreement was signed. Announcement, HunanLines respectively, and Changsha Guoan broadcasting and TV broadband network limited, Xiangtan Guoan broadcast and television information network limited, yiyang www.powerleveling.us, Yueyang city cable television broadband network limited, national radio and TV broadband network limited liability company, Liuyang Guoan broadcast and TV wide band network limited liability company agreement, both sides call sign in the consolidated unity, unified technology platform and business operations,Service specifications have reached a consensus. According to the agreement, in accordance with the requirements of network integration in Hunan, a county network in four companies in accordance with the uniform requirements of the Hunan cable call sign system and unified; for a new technology system, four city and County will be carried out in accordance with the technical standards of the Hunan cable network company building, the system has been completed and is being built, four-cityCounty in Hunan cable network company, under the guidance of technical standards in order to achieve maximum compatibility. For a product of the cooperation between the two sides www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, four Internet companies to comply with County in Hunan cable product specifications established by the unified; for its own operation, four Internet companies refer to a county in Hunan cable product specifications. For cooperation between the two sides of the business, by the Hunan cable specification for unified business management, four-cityA county network company in accordance with the norms established by the Hunan cable do; in such areas as management, financial management, evaluation standards, four Internet company references a county in Hunan cable system.

