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129836519564687500_209Quarter on United States family wealth increased $ 2.8 trillion to a four-year high June 8 Beijing time messages this afternoon, according to Fortune magazine, Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday, first quarter of 2012 United States family net worth US $ 2.8 trillion of total growth in increments since the financial crisis began, equivalent to every American the new wealth of about $ 9,000. However, the United States family wealth also shall be increased by $ 4 trillionReach the pre-crisis level. Current United States family net worth just under $ 63 trillion, 2007 peak to 67 trillion. Despite the significant increase in the assets, but household debt was reduced slightly. Data also show United States family wealth gap is further expanded. Contribution to household wealth growth last quarter's largest stock of assets, an increase of 931 billion dollars. Although the AmericansStill, as in the past widely held stock, but most of the stock is still as rich families. Mutual fund account net increase of $ 539 billion last quarter, average household net savings account had increased only $ 96 billion. However SWTOR Credits, while part of the increase is likely to net savings account is due to bank interest on such accounts pay little or no interest payments, but still notClear where these capital flows. NET such as savings bonds fell. In addition, although the last quarter decline in household debt, but fall is not obvious TERA Power Leveling, shows most people still fight against caused the financial crisis of credit dried up. Currently Americans total liabilities $ 13.4 trillion, and by 50 billion compared with the same period last year. Reduction of debt of mainly the mortgage last quarterLink down of credit card loans, an increase of US $ 110 billion. Another worrying sign, fed data show United States cash continues to grow on the corporate balance sheet, total growth last quarter to $ 12.6 billion. Fed to modify the definition of cash, the revised total cash of $ 1.7 trillion. Economists believe that enterprisesIncrease in cash held by their uncertainty about the Economic Outlook, not expenditure. However this can also be a description of risk aversion of investors has asked the enterprise to hold more cash. Either way, those cash into the economy to accelerate job creation. Seems to be United States economy has become a vicious cycle, accumulating cash increase stock value of the company, promoting the rich Americans financeRich net worth increase Diablo 3 power leveling, but to reduce massive unemployment there is little contribution. This is Ben Bernanke and lawmakers should focus. Others:

