
dragging raw sugar prices up to their lowest level in nearly two years. In addition Diablo 3 gold

129834159850890000_121Recently, international and domestic sugar prices weak downward, have hit a new low. Due to the overall macro-economic bad, plus Brazil short-term pressure on yield, increased consumption of support is very weak, sugar price declines are expected to soon be reversed. Deterioration of the macro-environment lower sugar prices dragged down as United States poor employment data and the decline in manufacturing in China, the market fears the global economic growthSlow speed and thus inhibit demand for raw materials, recent international commodity market prices in General fell, dragging raw sugar prices up to their lowest level in nearly two years. In addition, Europe debt risk signs of warming, but also to bring greater market confidence against. May United States number of new jobs in a year low, China manufacturing data more down 2.9% last month, caused the market to the worldFears of economic prospects. European debt, Greece problem hardly have one wave subsided when another rise, Spain issues smoke, Spain ratings were downgraded three times within a month, yields approximations 7% line. For the moment, euro-zone economic recovery and sustainable fiscal reconstruction will be a lengthy process, and also will provide medium-and long-term evolution of the European debt crisis. Poor supply-consumer supportLimited at present, the global sugar markets this year has confirmed the overall oversupply situation, the current focus of market attention is needs. Expected in the case of sugar prices in the market, China and other Asian countries will complement the sugar stocks, Muslim countries will also take the opportunity to purchase Ramadan with sugar, sugar price formation for the time being this will be supported. North, including China, a major sugar importsHemisphere countries heading for sugar consumption in the summer season, output of China this year despite an increase of about 10%, but because the total consumption is relatively large, there is still a large gap between supply and demand in the market, imports of sugar to make up for, for some time to come is expected to increase imports. In addition, the Middle East and North Africa and other regions of the demand growth, due to Muslim countries next month will usherEid al-Fitr, Ramadan the purchase will expand with sugar. From the situation of previous years, Muslim Ramadan on the international sugar price support is obvious. However, despite the market expect consumption to bring support, but judging from the current situation, more negative news in the market, economic downturn, global excess supply of sugar and Brazil will yield tremendous weakened demand support�� More obvious short term variables in recent air confrontation both world raw sugar futures market and in the domestic sugar futures markets have increased sharply Zheng bin. Only a week last Monday, Zheng sugar increase overall positions from over more than 884,000 hand to hand more than 1.04 million, total has increased more than 156,000 in hand, is the biggest since the beginning in August 2011 fall positions. SharpCartridge shows empty at this stage differences increase further, in addition to short in gallon Diablo 3 gold, Bulls are incremental funds bottom-involvement, too many confrontations. From Cheng sugar prices currently running situation, short in the external conditions remain proactive, but short term appears repeatedly probabilities of oscillation movement is gradually increasing. Breakthrough after the oscillation direction for medium-to long-termGuidance will be more important, reminded investors to be concerned about. Generally speaking, international, Europe's sovereign debt crisis is likely to deteriorate again, leading to general international commodity market prices fall, driving prices remained low. On the fundamentals TERA Gold, despite the fall in sugar prices stimulated Asian countries such as China, sugar inventories may be temporarily added to sugar to form support, but global sugar surplus supply toBrazil yields huge formation pressure will continue on the sugar market. National level, spot sugar prices have stabilised, showing the oscillation in the near future, but consumer started still not obvious, businesses remained relatively strong wait-and-see atmosphere. Market is looking forward to June of beverage consumption increases, and the Dragon Boat Festival brings boost to consumer markets. Futures, pessimism is still leading, butFall after all Diablo 3 gold, will not happen overnight, continued to increase in the warehouse processes, sugar price downside were more likely to maintain oscillation is expected. (Author: Green Futures) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

