
the SFC total audit 19 IPO

129667864426709142_292Recent stock index relative showed good peripheral market resilient, the day before yesterday, Europe and the collapse of the stock market, but the a-share does not does not follow the adjustment, but lower high received positive line once again diablo 3 gold, increased intraday rebound yesterday, side is a unit of activity has also increased. News in early trading on the surface, good bad mixed, according to media reports, the SFC hopes related company cuts previously scheduledThe amount raised to accommodate the current capacity of extremely weak market, Shanxi coal industry to shrink and shares issued, in addition diablo 3 power leveling, in recent time, rates of adoption of the new share IPO was a declining trend. According to statistics, since October 29 since he took office the Chairman of the SFC, until November 14, the SFC total audit 19 IPO, 13 of them cross the border, 6 are not, At 68.42%, this ratio is significantly lower than the year's average of 78.94%. The above information will bring certain positive effects on the short-term market. Bad connection, the International Board again took to the public opinion front, Shanghai Vice Mayor Mr TU guangshao said at present is to speed up preparations for the International Board process, General Manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange said Zhang Yujun, available on the International BoardGood for the a-share.����We believe that the International Board launched in the context of poor economic situation at home and abroad at the moment relatively large negative impacts on the a-share market, comments short market will bring a certain amount of psychological pressure. Short, stock indexes in overnight European stock markets tumbled yesterday is still lower in the context of higher, more strong, running also shows increased buying power, Despite the international message board public opinions, but preliminary market as it has is expected, predicted to have on the disc surface today has little effect on short-term market is expected to continue rebound pattern.

