
Cascade loses traction reverse decline

129668600993281250_77Guangzhou Otis home fined 200,000 yesterday, Beijing quality and technical supervision Bureau disclosure "7-5" line Subway Line 4 escalator accident investigation results, recognized this was an accident, escalator manufacturing unit of Guangzhou Otis Elevator company, day-to-day maintenance unit Beijing Otis Elevator Company largely responsible; Otis Elevator (China) Investment Corporation asFailure to promptly release the relevant technical documents, secondary responsibility for the accident.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! 3 companies were fined, among which the Otis Elevator Company Limited was fined $ 200,000. Responsible for the accident the escalator dailyRevoked job labor maintenance licenses.  Is suspected to touch on the criminal law of the two men, who are responsible for accidents, the investigation group recommends that the judicial authorities investigated for their criminal responsibility. Analysis of design and manufacturing flaws said the accident investigation division, leading to the cause of the accident is due to escalator design change to a single host from dual-host, design accounting does not load into action, constitute a design deficiencyDepression; length of bolts and bolts attached to the sides did not meet the design requirements, manufacturing flaws; host fixed bolt, safety device adjustment is not correct, day-to-day maintenance does not meet the requirements. Escalators running drive hosts the retaining bolt fracture occurs, causing host capsized, driven chains fall off, Cascade loses traction reverse decline, the secondary brake switch is not correctlyStart star wars the old republic power leveling, resulting in accidents. Rectification plan investigation group said the three parties implementing rectification and reform, subway stops of the Otis company elevator rectification plan, have demonstration by related parties agreed. Elevator safety hazard investigation and rectification work from elevator manufacture, use and day-to-day maintenance of units involved in the implementation. Upon completion of rectification and reform parties will sign, respectively by archiveFor enquiries.  Metro stop lift recovery before use, through special equipment inspection agency inspection. Strengthen elevator safety regulation made "tenure" according to reports, the urban quality supervision Bureau, the City Transportation Commission and other related departments for in-depth analysis of the accident the old republic power leveling, Beijing municipal transportation industry are working on the special equipment code for the safe use, selection of proposed subway escalator, strengtheningOfficers on duty relief, increased more stringent demands on day-to-day maintenance frequency. Departments will be further stepped up its subway escalator safety supervision, urge elevator installation, day-to-day maintenance, and operation using unit to strengthen elevator safety. Explore the possibility of establishing elevator safety responsibilities in public places "tenure" system, by the elevator manufacturers life is responsible for the branding lift safetyWork, implementation of elevator manufacturer responsibility.  Develop standards of main parts of the lift scrap, scrapped a standard legal basis of the main parts of the elevator. Event playback reverse ladder 1 killed in a July 5, Subway Line 4 Zoo station sliding ladder failure on a ladder, ascending escalator suddenly out of control into a downward, leading to dozens of subway on the escalatorFalling from height. Accidents causing the death of a 13 year old boy, 3 serious injuries, and another 27 were wounded. The following day, municipal Transport Authority announced that existing within the railway network of the city of 257 Otis escalator full stop. At the same time, the city's subway system suspended purchasing Otis escalator. (Reporters Qian Weihua)

