
and later

129667750475615392_165Weeks ago, Li Xuepeng from the United States sent a text message informing him of the operation is going very smoothly. This year diablo 3 gold, Li Xuepeng foot injury plagued on several occasions, to that end, also missed the final stage of the tournament and the top 20 national team match. His Achilles tendon problem occurs frequently, some factors inherent in it. After contact diablo 3 power leveling, shide Club arranged for Li Xuepeng to the United States, in order to operate on him, It was Liu Xiang's physician in Clanton. Surgery on Thursday, and later, Li Xuepeng told reporters that the operation was a great success. However, within a short time he was not home. He also in the United States for rehabilitation training, take 6 weeks or so. In terms of time, he will not delay winter training.

