
I singing may has and will how many some Uighur of effect in inside

129667716789990392_54An interview with Bayer: single music found its way over more than 10 contained Taipei album dream Video: interview with NetEase entertainment Bayer. Bayer. NetEase entertainment on November 26 (Taiwan reports group Cai Shiwei reports) Barr, a big boy from Xinjiang, with well-known 19th century Germany children piano composer of the same name (German: Ferdinand Beye), seems destined to the Bayer name and musicThe origin of. Bayer when in Australia school, only old of Grandma and he for with, returned Hou because only will said English, language does not pass, even downstairs buy water are to than hand painting feet only line, was forced to from small will habits a a people of life, habit he future love hate sharp of personality; later University Shi and alone to Beijing school, because from small habit of solitary, let he always cannot into students ofSphere of life, but he has had more opportunity to practice singing and playing the guitar, like himself a person kept in a dark room playing the guitar, sing, write songs ... PUB Embassy also sang for 10 years, slowly open music stage of his life, but also the 04 in Xinjiang "music box" Cup singer competition; later chance were Taiwan brokerage firm sign, Bayer finallyHas opportunities in a strange of city implementation he real of music dream, although when had group had groups made tablets, but 2011 years of end Bayer only finally real issued has first Zhang personal EP, although only three first song, but next he most wanted to do of is issued a Zhang real of personal music full album, can sang own wrote of song, let more people awareness this from Xinjiang of musicSolo-Bayer. NetEase entertainment: had to groups have in the past, this EP was first issued in individuals do? When will the full album? Bayer: group is a child, when there is a body, but the EP was first issued in individuals, that I would want a rendering of the entire album will be as soon as possible, because of the EP and the song is exactly what IWrite, because I myself was a rock, companies may find it too self, telling too much of your story will want to pop, when will the album, it is necessary to rely on you to support me, I will have the opportunity to send album, so we can support. NetEase entertainment: I hear is a bar in Beijing Embassy sing singer before, why would I choose TaiwanAs an issue where the first personal EP? Barr: I sing the bar really, really long time, I had sung for 10 years, I also have some opportunity or chance, know some people, experienced people, none of the many later contexts, they may have a wide range of provisions, they might say we couldn't go to the PUB after about performance, this isI cannot accept that, now, whether it is a record company or brokerage firm, are Taiwan, I chatted with them, we can still go to the PUB after performances, I felt OK, just two companies are Taiwan, so I went to Taiwan. NetEase entertainment: this EP style bias what form? Bair: in fact, he would haveGeneral of popular music has little does not as, first three first songs he of composer, they are is Korean with Korea people, so itself in musical form aspects on has little does not as, that I own is Uighur, I singing may has and will how many some Uighur of effect in inside, so I think he will more like a Zhang diversified swtor credits, and comparison fusion of, you see I sang Chinese, IThey are Uighurs, but also Korea people to compose, so I think it is fusion, three songs "wind the wheel of fire" on the rock, "deep blue" is a love song, "who so and" is a Korean folk song, there is a Uighur Overture, is a rock. NetEase entertainment: which type do you like singing songs? Barr: IHappy rock music, but now not as fierce as a child, would really like heavy metal as a child, to play electric guitar, long hair, I'm used to that kind of shape, I'm biased a bit ballad rock, rhythm is also very strong, but requirements may be a little more on melody. NetEase entertainment: do you want to sing their own Uighur or similar styles of song�� Bayer: first I to told of is, I really of is wanted to placed I own wrote of song in inside, because I since considered is a creation line singer la, so I will hope has I own of works in inside, I may will hope has a first, or a a first song of a is with I of home words to sang, I will hope has such of attempts to in inside, may is another a does not as of taste�� NetEase entertainment: the first wave of flagship song "wind the wheel of fire" is the first of the more heroic songs, own private personality is not so heroic? Bayer: people, because I could not speak slow down heat, I belong to that "margin of the eyes" is very important to me, I along with a man, I think he's tempo may be right with me, then I'll talk with him, whichNever mind with people, is what I did with his fate, I met fate if not may not chat with him too, fate may have been chatting, talking out days may find a place to eat dinner together, drink a little wine, such as, you know sing PUB. NetEase entertainment: so the first impression you can feel that we are in tune with this people?Bair: there is no God, any people who are not familiar with will greet, when announced, after you is probably the one or two sentences, I will probably have an idea for me is that there is no grey area 's, I was very extreme, but that he is here. NetEase entertainment: so to girls as well? Barr: I for all things are like that.NetEase entertainment: girlfriend is also very clearly? Bayer: Yes, very clear, if I really Greek made her, I would have no matter regardless, I will tell her then caught up with her directly, that one day, if something might happen between us decided to break up, I really never to have loved. NetEase entertainment: breaking up so there is no way if you have friends?Bayer:, I'm not the kind type friends parted can also be made, because it is difficult to it, you love her, be with you all, whether long or short, and then make friends I feel weird. NetEase entertainment: this and Taiwan Idol artist LAN Zheng long (microblogging) working together films "NACHA", was the first time Taiwan artists co-operate? Bayer: because the play was takenWhen I were still on the Mainland, I still have the rest of my PUB, I then also had the opportunity to sing to this episode "wind the wheel of fire", so will only work with LAN Zheng long big brother or little Ma Ge, Nikki Shie they would have some interactive, part of publicity before there will be some interaction. NetEase entertainment: you can comment on Taiwan artists and teams feel?Bayer: first I will think they are hop to I of tempo, is I with they now are is is good of friends, course they thing predecessors la, also is friends well right, second a they of features, with I in mainland of when, they has they of features, Taiwan will has Taiwan of features, is on both sides of does not too as just, as like other team cooperation of spirit Ah,Like professional like any other, I feel that as long as the thing to do, everyone was very professional. NetEase entertainment: for his work involving other religious culture do you think? Barr: first one, he is a film, he is not my life, that your own beliefs is part of his life, it may be your own spiritual support, anythingA solution of the matter, he was first a film, I was singing the song, so this tells us a little, we tell art well, no, like music, I will go to a lot of gospel songs, I think that this will not be much problem, he is only a few different cultures clashing. NetEase entertainment: recent publicity when the new songs, listening toMet some incredible conditions (sound power many times), how to look at this similar situation? Bair: do not mention this issue again, you say it once and let it go, you said a few times is not the same person on different occasions and let it go, every time I was with the "rebels" to advocate and it was this situation, you know we broke eight times for the first time, after ITo talk good, sound big brother you won't get any trouble, I myself well, and then began to sing Opera Arias. When you really need to start, in front a bunch of reporters, I was opening the Lord, when happy, next to a pile of music, it has not come into my prelude to the song, I have an unknown hunch, until he finally released the song, I have say 2, 3, a joke,I is not will told jokes of people, I are has fast crash, I of song finally down, ring has zhihou I on began sang, I sang has a, he on began jump, jump jump jump jump jump to later on directly didn't sound, I and was then to once, I said without has, I to compensation members, I sang a first Xinjiang of ballad good has, I think this is mystery la, I also full looks forward to next then with "electric which rebels"They has new of cooperation opportunities, will again appears how of status, I think also full special, may is everyone are again help I, you see I first times sing has eight again yeah, second times I sing finished I also can sing Xinjiang folk songs, is Shun words I sing finished on down has, but everyone on does not remembers, maybe everyone will remembers "Wow, this is last that broken has eight times electric of worship er", thisIs also a feature. NetEase entertainment: a lot of people are believed to be God bless, your own do you think? Bayer: should be, otherwise no one will get the status bar. NetEase entertainment: he started to do a lot more visible now, behind-the-scenes work, like an identity? Bayer: more visible, because I'm a Leo, I would prefer, Itself I is is like sang of people, you singing you side has other friends think "Wow, singing good nice", that is a meet sense, that you if in scenes, regardless of you is wrote song or, help others piano or, also is how, he will said this song is nice is because so and sang had, so I also full Greek million members said "he sang of song also full nice of". NetEase entertainment: Because your personality like to be seen, is there was because other singers envy? Barr: a lot of Ah, may I have like 20 in their early thirties, many things have so-called imagine a dream or something, after all, I have experienced something, whether it is the time to sing PUB, or truly after entering the record company, for dealing with such problemsIndeed, someone love me somebody hates me, it's normal. NetEase entertainment: sings what expectations some for yourself? What is it about their career expectations? Bayer: album the boss album, album made by the boss I want, one album, but more importantly, even someone to help you get out of 50, 100 albums, but no one remembers youSing a song, or no one thought you sing it nicely, have not used it, I would want to enable more people to hear me sing, and they like to hear me sing, this is what I want most. NetEase entertainment: in addition to singing do you want to play? Barr: I should not that kind of, with my colleagues to do a lot of people, I think the most important, is the excellent elasticityMy guitar and sing my songs, and other swtor power leveling, later if there is a chance I will not say no, but I hope that, had the opportunity to have that not a lot of Directors, you can tell me about "Bayer, do you think we have to play", not "do you play something, Ah Ah Ah? "I would like to take at this stage to sing, because I was a singer, singing,Others like to hear me sing. NetEase entertainment: hear that like being a solo, but also a person confined in rooms play guitar creating music, why there is such a habit? Bayer: perhaps because I was one of a long time, so slowly slowly get used to a person living, is a man you put him in any environment for too long he will be used, the packageShin hyesung surround me now go write why, I would enjoy to be alone in the room, is to open up to a bed lamp, so subtly, see clearly what I write, otherwise direct black I no, drink a little wine, play piano and write songs, I very much enjoyed the process. NetEase entertainment: why a person as a child grows up? Barr: I have theComparison unlucky of, no la, because I as a child is in Australia well, has been long to eight aged, at that time side only Grandma, Grandma than I large so more, also impossible accompany I chat Ah, I from Australia returned to Xinjiang zhihou, because you know Xinjiang also is large, I dad mom and to addition a city work, only I a people stay in Urumqi, is a people, more miserable of is, I thatWhen only will told English Ah, I down shop wanted to buy bottle water drink are to with he strokes half a day, or I later school smart, directly took a empty jar, he on know I to drink has, so that when is I most alone of when, is no people can accompany I chat, also no people listening to was understand I speech, I also listening to does not understand they again what, until I dad mother finally can from KashiReturned to Urumqi, I and grew up to to Beijing Shang University has, I on and left Xinjiang, I to Beijing read University has, read University you know, then members are is children why, they will has groups, dance, and singing, and bomb guitar various groups, that I found how no I this a hanging of, may is zhiqian has habits has, so to that zhihou I on think a a people should OK la, Including those subsequently leave from school, today the whole process, because you know singing PUB is very late to bed, we are awake we sleep in, everyone woke up and eating at home, I went to work, so have been living this way, it is used. NetEase entertainment: a person is singing in the room playing the guitar? Barr: I will do someOther, I will is enjoy this process, because you a people of when, can do of things many, bomb bomb guitar, and wrote wrote song or look at film, because you himself of life no so colorful, that on see film, put he of life imagine into I of, then took he of life to wrote song, because I may to 50 aged of when, only so more story to wrote song, I on first look atOther people, I enjoy it. NetEase entertainment: shenhu odd said that Bayer's guitar skills, can finally live guitar show a creation of own songs? Bayer: own creation, great, finally had a chance to sing to write their own songs, this song that I wrote my previous boss, wrote to the boss song is not necessarily the dog leg, it may also be unhappyThe song, this song is called "wanted to curse swear word".

