
mutoh wants Korea Government stepped in to stop

129667558697031250_10Comprehensive report zhongxinwang, November 25, Korea Government plans in South Korea and Japan of the existence of a sovereignty dispute Tok Islet (Japan says Penny pandas) construction of breakwaters and underwater observatory and other tourist facilities. Japan's Ambassador to South Korea wutengzhengmin 25th Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for confirmation that the matter, and expressed opposition to this plan. Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported that the Korea Government planned an large penny pandas anti-Wave bank both terminal capabilities. Wutengzhengmin meeting day Korea first under Secretary for Foreign Affairs asks puxihuan swtor credits, ROK Tok Islet sets the breakwater of the message is true.  He also advocated the ROK should not Tok Islet any facilities. Officials said the Tok Islet construction works after 1-2 years of procedures before a formal decision. Korea of the Dong-a Ilbo reported that in the 20Start in 13. In this regard, puxihuan, seen from the history, geography, international law, Tok Islet belongs to Korea territory, and therefore Japan Government should not intervene on this matter.  As regards the provision of travel facilities issues, he said that Korea has yet to make a final decision by the Government. Japan's Kyodo News Agency said about this, Korea President Lee Myung-bak will meet on December 17, JapanWorking visits, are currently and Japan's Prime Minister Noda held talks to coordinate.  However, outstanding issues such as territorial leaders of Japan and South Korea talks a little shadow. Korea public groups support in Japan were forced during the colonial period for the Japanese military comfort women women, planned in Japan to South Korea before the Embassy set "peace monument", mutoh wants Korea Government stepped in to stop swtor power leveling。 Said the Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs and trade, it is difficult to stop the plans of public bodies, mutoh could not be accepted this request.

