
swtor power leveling credit conditions begun to show signs of easing.According to Central Bank data

129667864490927892_457Zuo Xiao Lei said easing too quickly or repeatedly, for economic development is a very dangerous thing. Hangzhou, people's Bank of China branch of the Centre for the reporter who said, on November 25, Zhejiang Province, 6 rural cooperative banks deposit reserve rate cut of 0.  5% per cent. Experts said the Central Bank took the initiative of monetary policy to fine-tune specific measuresEffects of one of the mainly ease of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces area local cash-strapped small and micro-enterprise financing difficulty, despite the expected strengthening of the policy easing in the market, but recent monetary policy will not turn nor fully relaxed.  Recently, head of Central Bank statement also confirms this: "this action cannot be understood as a comprehensive cut deposit reserve rate". To fine-tune measures in HangzhouCentral Branch said that in recent years, the people's Bank of China on rural cooperative banks implement policy of differentiated reserve ratios, each November on rural cooperative banks, credit assessments for the first three quarters of the year, agriculture lending has not reached a certain standard of rural cooperative banks is higher than normal level of 0. 5% reserve. 2010November 25, assessed the country over more than 20 rural cooperative banks (in Zhejiang Province, 6) implementation of differentiated reserve ratios, one-year period, after the expiration of November this year, the people's bank returned to its normal level of reserve requirements. "Hangzhou Central branch cut reserve requirement ratio of rural credit cooperatives is a measure of the directed easing of monetary policy, is normal behavior。 Central Bank's monetary policy cannot fully relax now.  "The State Council Development Research Center, Institute of finance Wu Qing, a researcher at the China economic times said, the reason why elections in Zhejiang swtor power leveling, mainly local funds shortage in Wenzhou and micro-enterprise financing difficulty of small reasons. Central University of finance and banking Research Center Director Guo Tianyong also told reporters that, the Central Bank lowered ZheJiang's rural credit cooperative's deposit and payment rate is a measure of monetary policy to fine-tune, mainly solving local funding difficulties in Zhejiang. Shenyin wanguo Banking Analyst Chris NI says: "this cut deposit rates of rural credit institutions in Zhejiang Province, return it to its normal level, can be understood as the Central Bank to lose credit hematopoietic capability of regions for structural adjustment of monetary policy. "The Central BankDeputy Governor Hu xiaolian, recently said, the current total monetary credit work should remain basically stable, on the basis of reasonable and appropriate, optimizing structures, guide financial institutions to invest more in line with industrial policy small micro-enterprises, "Agriculture" of weak links, such as lending. Macro-prudential policy framework, based on the capital adequacy of financial institutions, stability of the operating conditions and the implementation of nationalCredit policies swtor credits, adjustment and optimization of control parameters and main services these small and medium financial institutions in the field of the appropriate slant, supporting high capital adequacy, asset quality, perfect the corporate governance structure, strong business development of small and medium-sized financial institutions credit policy implementation. Policy does not turn starting from the four quarters of this year, credit conditions begun to show signs of easing.According to Central Bank data, in October, the financial institutions added loan 586.8 billion yuan, increased by more than $ 17.5 billion, and more in January increased by over $ 116.8 billion, an increase of 24 per cent from. 85%. Moreover, several banks lending to small business credit line increase, and through various channels to increase its small micro-enterprise financing services. Minsheng Bank, Societe Generale Bank and Pudong Development BankIssued $ 110 billion yuan after the small business financial debt, deep issue small business financial bond tune before the amount of $ 20 billion to 30 billion yuan. HSBC in November China PMI fell to 48%, a 32-month low, domestic economic growth fell markedly. Industry insiders said in November, HSBC PMI values fall, as China further localEasing offer space.  Qu Hongbin, Chief China Economist at HSBC forecast that around the end of may will be fully lowered reserve requirements.  Hangzhou branch of the Centre's position very clear, this measure simply of rural credit cooperatives punitive gold storage rate returned to normal levels, does not provide a broad lower reserve requirements. Wu Qing told reporters that depositReserve rate should not be eased monetary policy should not now fully relax, but also moderately tight, "interest rates should be, negative interest rate deposits will cause capital flow to the area of loansharking, illegal. "Guo Tianyong also said local liquidity imbalances is one of the Central Bank's tough question now, but the direction of monetary policy cannot be changed. He repeatedly told reporters his views"If lowering reserve requirements, be sure to also raise interest rates, by hedging to constrain monetary policy itself mobile. "Galaxy securities Managing Director, Chief Executive Adviser Zuo Xiao Lei, said even if orientation of Zhejiang Province cut deposit rates only embodiment of the Central Bank to fine-tune policies swtor power leveling, easing too quickly or repeatedly, for economic development is a very dangerous thing.

