
freight traffic

129667864390302892_196October national railway passenger and freight turnover grew, 6.3%: October 2011 national railway passenger volume was 173 million, an increase of 13.09%, passenger travel was 80.386 billion kilometers, an increase of 6.3%. Freight transport, the national railway freight amount is 342 million tons, an increase of 9.13%, freight weekGo to 259.296 billion ton km, an increase of 10.74%.  October passenger and cargo services in four major indicators rose rates were higher than in September, the passenger traffic relies mainly on the national day holiday period, the national passenger traffic continue to enhance; freight traffic, with the continuous building of national road network, cargo capacity to continuously upgrade, causing bouts of release. Da-Qin line October coalVolume of 37.96 million tons, an increase of 11.4%: October traffic rebounded slightly compared to September, but still has not reached all-time volume 39 million tons. In January-October of da-Qin line volume 364 million tons, according to the monthly traffic volume in the first 3 quarters, we speculated that da-Qin line 2011 annual capacity estimated at 4.3-440 million tons, up from 2010.500 million tons the old republic power leveling, but lower than the earlier forecast of 450 million tons.  It was also learned that in November the first half, da-Qin line good winter coal capacity, is expected in November monthly capacity of up to 38 million tons to around 39 million tonnes. Guangshen railway: 2.47% October passenger traffic growth, decline in freight traffic 5.72%: Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway passenger total amount sent to 6.8582 million, And rose 2.47%, which sent 3.4176 million Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity train people, an increase of 2.34%, through trains sent 324,000 people, per cent, up to 8.9%, other vehicles: 3.114 million, growth rose 1.93%, an increase of the minimum. Freight transport, October volume of 6.0129 million tons, Volume growth underperforming, down 5.72%, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity freight growth continues below the national level. Fixed asset investment continued to decline, allegedly railways are supported by 300 billion Fund to pay off debts: the October railway fixed assets investment of $ 33.56 billion, down 54%, has been less than $ 40 billion for four consecutive months, 2011In January-October, the cumulative investment in fixed assets is $ 428.99 billion, fell by 17%, with national rail infrastructure investment to $ 367.4 billion. Said the Ministry of railways has been $ 300 billion worth of funds for railway construction, project fund arrears will be paid before November 20. But at the moment about 300 projects, the Ministry can only invest in dozens of projects,And only $ 100 million or 200 million, as opposed to billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars of investments are utterly inadequate. Conclusion: considering profitability, as well as valuations of assets, we maintain on Datong-Qinhuangdao railway is highly recommended rating.  Taking into account the railway reform brings new opportunities to listed companies star wars the old republic power leveling, we offer recommended rating of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, giving the iron cage logistics recommended rating. (The specificPlease see annex)

