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129667750489521642_201Loan sharking cases in Wenzhou frequent now, Beijing property market disappeared a long time agoFrequent orientation, whichReal estate sales verification, these billion scale between five to six groups of buyers, contact ratio of about 80% above, drop the prospective purchasers of large single value of the urban core area projects, commercial or public buildingMore than hundred million Yuan. Million buyers to reproduceReceived three groups of customers from Ordos, to verify customer identity later, they found that these three sets of customers are engaged in the energy industry business owners, their name on the enterprise's annual turnover, is between $ 300 million to 500 million. But for the exact identity of these three sets of customers diablo 3 gold, the sales by the responsible person for involved trade secrets or personal privacy, declined to disclose. In mindFrom sources close to the China vanke was informed by, the customers buying intentions are a, b, c, d in the system of classification, these three sets of customers areValued at around $ 400 million, 33 years I do high end items sold, the most recent three years, have no such contract cases, which sold, circle is just a few of the people in Beijing, number the number out.State] bridge southeast corner mainly to high-end private social buildings, from CITIC real estate vanke 2009 [US News] acquired for conversion, which is the core area of c b d a fewNot much.Exchange of private clubs and cosmopolitan, first of all is to ensure that customer information is not external exposure, so we make evaluation impairments on the news.Conditions shows that, at the same time period, Pangu Daguan, 8th, Xiaoyun road projects, emerging wealth of North Ordos swtor credits, Yulin and so on are from urban customers into subscription or signing stage, the total value of its purchases in more than 30 million, including around 80% contact ratio.Group of customers, and also visits other level, the level closest to the project with the same period, with a corresponding contract.; Is not, they buy a House to live purely.Confirmed to reporters that the recent, there are five groups of Ordos customers in their projects signed purchases, total contract amount of more than 100 million Yuan. Beijing Hopson of the real estate transaction management network global village [comments on the latest price type] project Internet new agency data also confirmed that the relevant person in charge of health claims. Grand sale of Pangu leader also confirmed to reporters that recently someFrom the Ordos and Yulin customers displayed a strong intention to buy. And this is limited toState type for the business, with a total value of over $ 50 million.Conditions, both vanke city and in the world of Hopson's village, is a restriction of the project.Compared with strong investment preference of Wenzhou, Zhejiang and customer groups, northerners comparative benchmark for return on investment is a local private lending.ROI talk but in any case the civil loan, therefore, to convince them to buy a House is not an easy task.Appeared, that is, cash should be in the hands of where to put, because of the risk comparison of usury, investments are critical safety factor., It is for this reason, frequent topics of concern by million buyers, is also located in the Chaoyang Park has c BD, irreplaceable social or natural resource projects. In addition, with the rationality of investments previously rather neglected brand, decoration and details factors such as service, now also became the largest single buyer focused on things. Mr CHAN Kwok-keung believes that this is just the beginning.

