
tor pvp valor power leveling special forces deployed tube can be used for penetration. Clearly - AI

129731262618291727_26"Ohio" class of cruise missile nuclear submarine "Virginia"-class nuclear attack submarine "Cormorant" UAV, according to United States Navy Times reports, taking into account the existing 4 "Ohio" class of cruise missile nuclear submarines decommissioned around 2025, United States Navy has plans to build a number of new nuclear submarines take over. New nuclear submarines practiceIs equipped with a vertical launch segment on the quality improvement of "Virginia"-class nuclear attack submarine, like a nuclear attack submarine and cruise missile submarines "passions".  This fully embodies the advantages of modular technology in submarine construction. Have you been playing building blocks do? You believe that the mysterious complex combinations of nuclear submarines as "building blocks" built into it? Today, the United States of new nuclear submarineBoats built models to give a definite answer. Compared to conventional submarines, nuclear submarines with cruise under water for a long time, good invisibility, large, strong fighting equipment and so on. United States nuclear submarine follow the different missions and weaponry can be broadly divided into the following:-type nuclear submarine, torpedo as the main weapon of attack to attack strategic targets for the purpose of strategic missile submarines,Nuclear submarines with cruise missiles as the primary weapon of cruise missiles. United States new-generation nuclear submarine "Virginia"-class submarine equipped with vertical launch segment, nuclear attack submarine and cruise missile submarines "passions".  This fully embodies the "modular concept" in submarine construction advantage. The so-called "modular concept", is subparagraph is divided into a number of submarines, eachA segmentation module like a separate "building blocks", the "building blocks" combinations, can be assembled into different types of submarines.  Not only does this save costs, and can dramatically shorten the design and construction of a new nuclear submarine cycle. Replace the weapon: "Ohio" rigged as a strategic missile submarine of "Ohio" class of cruise missile nuclearSubmarine development began during the cold war, is the United States Navy's "nuclear war" thinking of strengthening nuclear retaliatory capability for the second time under products.  This behemoth of 170 metres, width 13 m, displacement of over 16,000 tons, down to 240 meters under water, 24 pieces of equipment on the boat "the Trident" intercontinental ballistic missile. After the end of the cold war, the shadow of nuclear war gradually dispersed tera gold, reservations"Ohio" class nuclear submarines have been superfluous. United States Navy gradually to "Ohio" disarm nuclear-armed, demolition equipment on the boat of intercontinental missiles. At the same time, existing nuclear missile launch tubes were on the boat "Tomahawk" cruise missile launch tubes replaced. Powerful cruise missiles fired, coupled with the amazing quiet and control ability, was transformed by the strategic nuclear submarine equipped with nuclear missiles and equipment keysSet of conventional warhead tactical nuclear submarines.  Behind the "Ohio" opponents nose took, on hundreds of high-value targets simultaneously "attacks". Replacement of conventional missiles at the same time, United States Navy also sent special forces soldiers on a boat loaded with cruise missile submarines and boats who add a miniature submarine. As mini-submarines used a totally enclosed design,And directly with a sealed docking of nuclear submarines, submarine does not touch the secret Special Forces soldiers can drop in landing, attacks on high value targets.  United States Navy "Ohio" class of strategic missile submarines of the general reconstruction, "Ohio" from the depths of the ocean against the frontier, successfully embarked on a "nuclear is often both" path of development. One: "Virginia "claw-tooth front profit to save financial expenditure, United States Government huge amounts of funding to build vessels of the Navy have been surgery.  As with aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines are to ensure that United States strategic interests at sea equipment, through renovation realization "spend money for doing big things", build a strike force under the high cost of water, is the US Navy where the significance of the project. Under such a background,Attack nuclear submarines and cruise missile nuclear submarine "combined" idea came into being. According to reports, the United States Navy for 10 "Virginia"-class nuclear submarine installation "payload segment".  10 boats converted only the equivalent of 1 "Ohio" class of construction costs. According to the latest plan, "Virginia"-class nuclear submarine retrofitted "payload segment" portability"Tomahawk" cruise missiles and other equipment.  In addition to the missiles, and torpedoes against each other's ships and shore high value targets, carry special secret infiltration of soldiers is also an important task of us nuclear submarine. To embed "Virginia" design of large-class nuclear submarine launch tubes have hatches, special forces deployed tube can be used for penetration. Clearly, modifications "Robert FrostGenia "anti-submarine and anti-ship attacks, the boat will be set for combat and special operations capabilities all in one of the" killer ". Future trends: "water carrier" apparent UAV's excellent performance in the war and the rapid development of drone technology, United States Navy began to focus on developing unmanned ships and unmanned submarines, as well as greater emphasis on submarine-launched unmanned research。 According to the media, for many years, United States naval secret development of nuclear submarines underwater drones.  United States Navy nuclear submarine missile launch tube about 2 meters in diameter, theoretically can be used to completely underwater unmanned aerial vehicle ejection. United States Navy believes that nuclear submarines can be long-term potential Ocean, once the unmanned launch operations from under the water tor pvp valor power leveling, more stealth and surprise. Underwater unmanned aerial vehicles can be equipped with optical imagingMonitoring sensors and radar for reconnaissance, once you have obtained the information, via satellite back to us warships. Unmanned aerial vehicles after completing the air combat mission, landed near the nuclear submarine will be returned, return to the missile launch tube.  In addition, underwater unmanned aerial vehicles for mine detection, electronic warfare d3 gold, and other combat missions. Locke · Martin company is the pioneer of submarine-launched unmanned aerial vehicle development program. The publicDevelopment Division "Cormorant" UAV, is a surface and underwater launch, to reclaim use of multi-purpose UAV.  Under the water, wings folded "Cormorant" from the load of intercontinental ballistic missile nuclear submarine missile launching tube, air wing after auto-expand, open start turbofan engines in the air to perform a task. Despite the underwater submarine-launched unmanned aerial vehicle has no specificTry, but nuclear submarine launched unmanned aerial vehicle from the reality should not far away. As we all know, using aircraft carrier ship against enemy targets has always been a United States Navy important tactical link. Shortly before the United States aircraft carrier test made the key breakthrough UAV X-47B. If the scheme is successful, the future United States nuclear submarines may be the more subtle "water carrier". (Designer: Chen YuLu Wenqiang)

