
129667837397802892_233 - MUB

129667837397802892_233Beijing time on November 25, evening news, United States stock markets continue to rise in early trading on Friday, p 500 ended the downward momentum on 6 consecutive days.   Markets expect European leaders to do more to fight Europe's debt crisis. November 25 East Coast time (Beijing time on November5th), the Dow Jones industrial average rose 93.36, 11,350.91 points, or 0.83%, and the Nasdaq composite index rose 15.56, report 2, 475.64, or 0.63% the standard and poor's 500 index rose 10.15, 1, 171.94, up 0.8 per cent7%. On Thursday United States markets were closed for Thanksgiving day. Friday United States stock market trading hours will be shorter than usual, the New York Stock Exchange will be the East coast at 1 o'clock in the afternoon (Beijing time on November 26) to close the deal.   Under the influence of global government debt issues, p 500 Yin line may appear the second week. European news, Italy Government sold 80 euros (US $ 10.7 billion) six-month bonds yields from October 26 rose to 3.54% of.   The message that makes markets increasingly worried about the debt crisis spread to Italy's financing needs is difficult. Europe's sovereign debt default costs surged. Italy Prime Minister Mario-El (Mario Monti),Ko said at the meeting, Germany, Angela Merkel and France President Nicolas Sarkozy, "reiterated Italy's support, saying they were sure Italy will inevitably lead to the collapse of the euro collapse. "European stock markets fell on Friday, the Pan-European Dow Jones 600 fell Friday afternoon 0.4%. By market worry about emotional blow to the European situation Friday Asian stock markets generally closed down。 EUR/USD exchange rate decreased by 0.6%, 1.3241.   Dollar rose 0.5%, 79.553. United States stock markets, with the so-called Black Friday – even if the traditional first day of the holiday retail season starting, Wal-Mart (WMT), Macy's (m) and J.C. Penney(JCP) Retailers such as market focus. Deutsche Bank analyst said: "on Friday United States market only technically a deal for a long time, holidays was expected to make the market trading volume light. Today, the so-called Black Friday, is the United States began during the holiday sales, so traditionally today for United States retailers are important. Expected today and this weekendWill see more retailers-related news.   "Friday United States there is no economic data are released. Commodity futures markets, gold futures for delivery in December fell by 17.9 bn, reported $ 1679.3 per ounce. Crude oil futures for delivery in January fell 68 cents, reported $ 95.49 per barrel.

