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129731621430783750_18Lucky money was from time immemorial custom, is elder Zhu You wishes for healthy growth of children, as to how many, according to the degree of ability and close, parents should guide their children have a correct concept of money. If a child's parents is a worship the golden calf of money box, how the children will grow up parents, as you can imagine. After money, start with clean bills of the Spring Festival begins runescape items for sale,Man's wallet "malnutrition", and I after a count, province more than 5,000 more than expected, which I fixed, began to work, I went to the Bank, to return on credit card debt. Chinese new year of the Dragon, I let myself enjoy the "debt-free light" happy. Buy in Hainan: doubling year/Qi Hezhong and many different people buying investment property in Sanya,Guo Wenquan in site selection for home buyers in Qionghai, Hainan. Guo Wenquan is a finance manager of Shanghai Minhang branch rs items for sale, the agriculture Bank, has engaged in personal finance for four years. Being a professional, he on the stock market and are familiar with various financial products. Since 2010, the scenery along the great wall fund company hosted the first and second "smart money Cup" fund investmentCompetition, Guo Wenquan outstanding entries. On January 5, 2012, Invesco great wall fund management companies announced in December 2011 winners, Guo Wenquan Trojan yields of 3.83%, in the middle of the second half of 2011 won the second prize in the Group competition. "In view of the 2011 world's poor economic situation, I am more cautious of equity investments and, therefore, in competitionI chose the Monetary Fund in the early days, then purchase the bond funds--earnings enhancement benefit. "Guo Wenquan said to look East magazine. In his view, the 2012 stock markets still lack a lot of opportunities, even with the rebound, space would not be large. In his personal wealth management in practice, Guo Wenquan most preferred real estate investments. In October 2010, with $ 30,000/Square meter price, buy a set of fine decorated houses in the development zone, Shanghai zizhu. Shanghai zizhu development zone was established in 2002, is only by the Government, enterprises and universities in Shanghai City Government leading marketing joint venture, new science and technology park. On July 4, 2011 the zone officially upgraded as a national high-tech zone, Vice Chairman of the National Committee, the Ministry of science and technologyMinister WAN Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee, Han Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai zizhu together national high-tech development zone opens. Guo Wenquan said in black bamboo zone, from kindergarten to primary schools, secondary schools, until the complete university education supporting comparison, which is the main factor he choose this home buyers. In recent years, national regulation on the real estate market is large, which Guo Wenquan in Shanghai purpleBamboo development zone investment real estate slightly decreased. However, Guo Wenquan in the Hainan investment regulation of alternative housing has not been affected, and has gained more than 1 time. Different from many people buying investment property in Sanya, Guo Wenquan in site selection for home buyers in Qionghai, Hainan. "High prices in coastal areas have been in Hainan, Boao is an inland city, prices are much lower。 When I purchased in March of last year's price of $ 7,200/square meter, has now risen to $ 15,800/square meter. "Guo Wenquan said. During the Spring Festival this year, Guo Wenquan flew to Hainan, lives in his own House for a week, I feel not only climate, quality of community residents were also relatively high, gave him a sense of music not sigui. He said Qionghai hot springRegimen is very famous, and during the Spring Festival, Qionghai hot spring tourist a lot all over the country. Prospects for investment real estate in Shanghai and Hainan, Guo Wenquan confident. In his view, inflation now higher, or property let you feel at ease. Together with the national regulation on real estate total at the end of, but once the regulation is over, home prices will certainly rise. In addition to the roomInvestments, Guo Wenquan's second largest investment stock. He's bullish on consumer stocks, Hainan yedao is selected. Hainan yedao was chosen instead of Guizhou maotai and wuliangye, mainly because the market value of Guizhou maotai and wuliangye have pretty big, little room for growth, Hainan yedao is a small-capitalization stocks cheap runescape items, relative to much room for growth. In his view, Hainan yedao HaikouKoji yedao deer and tortoise and the wine has more room to grow, and cassava ethanol project as a new non-food energy and recycling economy demonstration project, its enormous room for imagination. In their daily work, Guo Wenquan more contacts with the Fund, but he funds who are not so good, mainly because of fund managers in recent years like revolving scenic Lantern replaced, too often mobility impact fundManagement level, so he purchased the Fund amount is not large. In 2008, he had been Chinese advantage fund investment, now agricultural earnings in favour of his acting industry growth fund. In addition, his children every year to buy a bar of gold, as a necessary configuration type variety of financial assets. (Editors: Zhang yaoxue) Others:

