
permanent residents returning after the old TERA CD-key permanent residents returning after the ol

129809336079117500_1077Zhongxinwang, May 3, according to Singapore Joint morning post reported TERA CD-key, more than 40 years of Hu Xiazhen (real estate broker) 16 years ago to leave China to Singapore, and soon became a permanent resident. Together with her husband, in 2010 to become citizens, while she was still not decided if I want to become a citizen. Hu Xiazhen says: "do not become citizens, mustNot because I don't like Singapore, but the root of the problem. Relative to my hometown still has a very great affection, such kinship is cutting shears constantly, so I want to be able to easily go back. Once you have citizenship, this level of freedom will be limited. Hopes that the Government and Singapore one can understand the feelings of us permanent residents. "However, Hu Xiazhen is notWorried about the strange vision of others. She said: "I don't care about other people think of me, the most important is how I see them. Even became a citizen, my ancestors are still Chinese Diablo 3 CD-KEY, this is not modified. It's like the older generation of Chinese education in local, always very friendly when you see me, probably because I asked them to think about their parents came from China. "Recently, wingLong time resident in children to school, buy real estate and medical benefits, are facing new restrictions, highlights the benefits of citizenship, forcing permanent residents to consider naturalization. Hu Xiazhen believes that these new policies on its own has little effect, since she had no children, also have purchased real estate. She said: "the problem is not very complex, and now my health is good, also purchased medical insurance,Pharmaceutical allowance reduced passed away. Where do I not because welfare well before choosing to go to which country. People still need to support themselves, in order to make life better. As the environment changes, change our mentality has to follow. "Hu Xiazhen thought, many permanent residents do not want to become citizens from China, because they want to go back to old-age pension TERA Gold, the new policy may not be the drumExcited their naturalization. She said: "Singapore high standard of living, older retired without pension, provident funds and savings lives, there will be pressure. In fact, permanent residents returning after the old, Singapore is a good thing, the Government can save on medical costs for the elderly. "The Government is clearly distinguish between the rights of citizens and permanent residents to obtain, said Hu Xiazhen understandable。 She said: "from the point of view of ideology, of course I do not want to see a permanent resident is treated as second class citizens, because we are also a member of the community, lived here for a long time. But put aside their own interests, from a macro-thinking position, I was able to accept the Government's approach. The Government cannot be exhaustive, may be given to rapid aging, and someResources from permanent residents to go to other places. "However, Hu Xiazhen think, distinguish between citizens and permanent resident status is not a long-term strategy. She said: "the Government and Singapore should be more inclusive of permanent residents, permanent residents should be more understanding each other, the two sides should get to consensus, rather the opposite. "(Shen Yue, and Zhou Yanbing) (Editor: Ren Yingqi) Others:

