
one is a reproduction of the Visual Diablo 3 power leveling one is a reproduction of the Visual -

129809647238023750_511Overview of dance records by method of dance notation records dance, can basically be divided into two categories: one is a reproduction of the Visual, image, such as videos, movies or pictures,; the other is to use the text or choreography, dance terms to record. China in the late Tang and five dynasties period "according to", "by", "sent", "dance" and other words to rememberRecorded dance movements. Describing images of birds in Song dynasty vocabulary such as "goose-winged", "Turtle Cove" to record the dance movements. Also used in modern times, "playing Violet Crown" and other terms to represent a particular dance moves. Choreography was by symbols or pictures to record dance moves and a written record of the change of direction, similar to its role in recording music staff. Ancient Chinese NathanHuang choreography, Song Deshou Palace choreography, choreography, Ming Zhu Zai-Yuan Shao Dance choreography. Dance dance record around the world by the world record has gone through different phases of history. Ancient Egypt people have used pictographs to record dance. Middle of 15th century Spain was using horizontal and vertical strokes to record dance, with a letter to represent the dance name. This letterSymbolic methods, although relatively easy to learn, but you cannot record more complex from jumping and dancing. Into the 18th century occurred after professional dancer, dance movements become more complex. French R.A. Feuilles invented the curve to represent the trend of the dancers on the stage, at the same time along the curve indicate the dance notation method, gesture and posture and position. By the 19th century, with theEstablishment of the classical ballet Diablo 3 power leveling, many dancers started using a match stick shaped like human form to record dancers legs, body and arms. Various recording methods are out of music, pure dance record dance, dance. Mary Theatre of St Petersburg in the late 19th century the dance teachers ' ��. ��. Stepanoff invented the dance notation combined with music. 20Ji appeared the 3 more important use abstract notation of dance notation system: �� United Kingdom Morris music notation, �� Laban notation, �� the Benesh notation. 1th system due to more complex and difficult to read, have gradually eliminated, 2nd, 3 system because of the relatively simple, precise, accurate, easy to learn, widely used by dance around the world. In addition, in recent years, v.Teng has invented a "shorthand", because it takes the Pole on the human form as a symbol written in bass clef staff wow power leveling, straightforward Diablo 3 power leveling, more suitable for amateur dancing with. Choreography has many advantages, but their common shortcoming is the recording speed is too slow. To solve this problem, 1970 United States Laban notation the choreography was invented typewriter, greatly speeding up the mindSpeed of was recorded in 1976 and invented the notation with a computer, also accelerated the process of notation. Dance record by People's Republic of China after the establishment of dance workers of China also started a dance recording method of research. 80 published Wu Man Ying of the dance movements speed drawing, new choreography in mind Act Long Zhengqiu, Wu Jimei, and Gao ChunlinLocation of choreography. The choreography of positioning method by domestic and international dance community, the scientific community of universal importance. Others:

