

129668652403281250_68Report from (reporter Hong Xue) in order to hide from her husband money, his wife could get someone to make a fake book.   With a deposit to the Bank without the knowledge of her husband when withdrawing money diablo 3 gold, Bank staff police on the spot.   Reporter was informed that this morning, on suspicion of forging financial crime of ticket, Fangshan district Procuratorate to beam a filed an indictment. One day in October 2010, Ms Leung and her husband ZhangA couple sell their House received $ 160,000 in the Bank because banks on that day people, who fails to deposit. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single release plan to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metal Twelve-FiveMap: shocking sex scandal counted among global leaders [gushen supremacy] King daily limit surface water: after overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's husband a beam of a money in the Bank. LEONG was behind her husband put the $ 160,000 into its cement business. To avoid caused by her husband after discovering the truth of a quarrel diablo 3 power leveling, beam a find from the Internet to make fake ticketsAccording to officers, making a false books to the husband. The end of May 2011, in order to give sister to do surgery, Zhang took this piece came to bank passbook and withdrawal, banks determine if the CD is false alert after deposit.   Upon enquiry, the beam is called attendance '. At present, the beams one on suspicion of forging financial crime of ticket from Fangshan District Public Prosecutor's Office to Fangshan court prosecution.Fangshan District Public Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor Prosecutor Huang Xu Hui said, in this case, beam a while fails to fake bank certificates of deposit, but its active links fake people, and provides specific information needed to manufacture and to each other, together with the manufacture and composition of crime should be based on forged financial crime criminally ticket. Leung had planned to wait for business to earn money right awayOn save money to her husband, not with crimes of subjective intent. LEONG is the object of the violation of national financial order, her objective has been disrupting financial order.

